Absolver: Downfall Patch Notes
Hello everyone!
The Downfall expansion is now available, and the patch notes can be found here:
We hope you enjoy the new updates!
The Downfall expansion is now available, and the patch notes can be found here:
We hope you enjoy the new updates!
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Je ne sais pas combien de temps je resterai captivé par cette MAJ importante... Mais j'ai relancé le jeu c'est déjà pas mal ! Il me manquait un peu :-)
Hâte de tester tout ça et encore bravo.
Big Absolver fan here, tks!
We are sorry to hear that you have an issue with the performance of the game.
Can you answer some additional questions to clear thing up, please?
- Which platform you're using playing the game (Steam/GoG/PS4)?
- If you play on PC does your PC specifications meet the minimum requirements for the game on your PC?
- Have you updated your graphics card driver to the latest one?
- Have you tried changing graphics settings?
- In which region are you located/playing from?
- Have you tried reinstalling the game?
Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter.
This issue of the the game feeling "slower" or clunkier" was a result of some undisclosed change in the update that is effecting everyone.
There are multiple threads on reddit about it, but i've yet to find anything that officially explains what exactly was changed.
I'v eeven had to change up my deck i've been using for the last 6 months because some of the slower moves now put me at such a huge disadvantage now it seems.
I know most of the community would appreciate some communication from SLoclap on what exactly was changed to combat speed in the update.
Some explanations i've seen on reddit talk about Gold linking windows being reduced and other timings having to do with buffering, but honestly to an average palyer like myself the combat just feels very slow compared to pre patch.
Answering: first, DEACON it's right. I think it's a change in the moves, it's not about the game speed. Example: when I use moves with 2 hits it became very easy to see the difference after the DLC. And even trying to block after suffer one hit my character take time to be ready for the move I engaged. Somethink like change the rate of speed from 1x to 0.4x in general.
I'm playing with PS4, in Brazil, Sao Paulo region. I didn't tried to reinstall the game, but you think this is a viable solution? I think it's not the case. When a first sow this change I assume that was intentional, like a downgrade in the performance of all characters, for some strategic reason that sloclap has planned. I played a session PVP, with different types of players combat styles (windfall, forsaken, kahlts) and I noticed that the new (faejin) doesn't have this issue, so...I was punished by them, it was sad to see...I trying to fight my best way (that its not bad at all) and feel weakened.
Apart of this issue in PVP and playing against NPCs, the game is awesome, and the downfall it's an amazing upgrade (graphics, story). Thank you guys for the great work, you should be proud, sincerely, I am, and I am just a player!
Question for the devs: are there any notes about this patch? Just out of curiosity.
And yes, regarding the "slow moves" I did notice something as well, even though I couldn't find a technical explanation like the guys above. I wonder if it's been slowed down on purpose to balance all moves with the new Faejin set. It could be the case.
That said, I take the chance of thanking you for the great work on Downfall. You exceeded my expectations. Really excellently done. And that underground temple is amazing! I thought I was in one of the best Tomb Raider games! Really wonderful job. You guys are a great team and I hope you got a sales jump with this and you'll continue developing games with ease.
I just saw some negativ posts and wanted to tell you that youve done an awesome job! Srsly not only the playercount is high enough for a fluent matchmaking now but i think you guys really managed to make this game long-timed fun for alot of players. GJ!
These were hotfixes to patch gamebreaking issues so didn't have patch notes. We'll try to make note of what exactly it fixed in our next set of full patch notes.
The mechanic definitely changed. In one downfall swoop sloclap eliminated speed spam decks, heavy spam decks alike.
The combat feels more realistic and attacks meatier. I love it. Window for gold linking tightened. I knew immediately some people were goings to be upset but Adapt.
Blink punch till the end.
The brother and sister bosses are obnoxious to fight because they surround the player and there is no way to see or effectively block an attack from behind; and since there's no grappling in the game, I find this whole immunity Kahlt style to be super broken. So add in that style along with the stamina issue and it makes the game a whole lot of NOT FUN.
You can block from behind. NPCs do in fact, suffer from stamina depletion, because I have broken their guard iirc. Look at your combat deck and see which attacks do more damage to an opponents stamina should they block it. Breaking attacks are amazing at this
Thanks, I'll look in to it, but I still feel the combat is not well fleshed out. And blocking is not fluent enough in to offensive attacks. The lack of grappling is a big downside to this game.