Few attacks that hit just before they actually should visually.

Liver Knee

UnderKnee Kick

Side Kick

Rising Kick

Please adjust the point where these attacks connect in the animation for clarity, even if you need to speed up the animation slightly to retain the same startup time.

Liver Knee

UnderKnee Kick

Side Kick

Rising Kick

Please adjust the point where these attacks connect in the animation for clarity, even if you need to speed up the animation slightly to retain the same startup time.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll pass this information along for further investigation. In the meantime, if you have any other information you believe may be relevant in addressing this, please feel free to share.
But, I haven't done any tests, apart from getting hit when I felt like the kick didn't even hit me yet.
(Urawameshi is the worst one)
How it is.
How it should be.
This took forever since low hitpause attacks are harder to catch right when they hit. Stagger attacks seem to have it even worse overall.
We'd like to extend our thanks for all of the additional information you've provided. I'll make sure to pass this along to the team also. Thank you again, and if there's anything else you feel is relevant, please be sure to let us know!
Illusion Twist Kick: Jump Fart?
Puropera Cut: Hitting the chest before the sword even gets there.
Jumped Spin Kick: Looks like it hit from the opposite side, but I assure you it's hitting from the left side... EARLY.
Low Spin Heel: Do I even need to say anything?
Also happens with every other attack in the game, will add more evidence later.