Schools Update

Schools will be reworked in the near future. The objective is to address issues we identified (example: allow the players to edit their School’s Deck) and to keep improving on this feature.

Discuss this future feature update here!


  • I think it would be interesting if there would be a School Arena.
    This could be used for people from different Schools to face off against each other.
    building on that idea, i think it would interesting if there could be some sort of tracking of school vs school fights.

    I like the idea that you plan on exploring options for Mentors to edit their school decks.
    however, this seems like it could be problematic. Will there be one or multiple decks to edit? if there is only one, would edits automatically appear in all students decks? if there is more than one, will it be up to the Mentor or the student which deck is the default 'School' deck.

    Currently, there seems to be very little interaction between students and Mentors, it would be interesting if gameplay elements could be added to allow for more interactions of this type.

    I look forward to seeing how you expand on the School feature and the options associated with it.

  • Bonjour,

    Il y a pleins de choses à faire avec un système d'école. Mais globalement, quand je pense "école", je pense 1er de la classe, leçons, apprentissages, évaluations.

    Je n'ai aucune exigence particulière en tant que joueur. Ma seule remarque c'est : à quoi ça sert de s'investir dans une école ou dans sa création ?

    Je vous laisse réfléchir à comment distribuer les bons points ;-) car en l'état, cette "option" de jeu n'a aucun sans.

    Je vous livre quelques idées en vrac :
    Pour les Mentor : avoir le plus de disciples = parure unique. Une parure unique pour les 4 styles de combats. Qu'il y est un enjeu de s'investir dans un style de combat plutôt qu'un autre.

    Élève : classement entre les élèves qui font le meilleurs ratios victoires/défaites avec le déck du Mentor ont des récompenses.

    Mais la clef, se sont les récompenses.
  • a single gear slot for school, like a overtop or elbow straps or anything else that can be given the same way as the swords. I feel like that would make you feel more like a part of the school.
  • Instead of the triangle a unique little sign after the name would be nice to identify those of the same school in an instand.
  • I had an idea-
    Create an area that is called School Alley.
    In this area, allow a School Mentor to open a School.
    Make this an instance that 10-15 people can join at one time.
    This would be an area that members of the school can enter, interact with one another, casual PvP, trade moves, show off new decks, etc.
    Allow the School Mentor to do some customization of the area, maybe offer special banners or other assets the Mentor can place based on their overall school ranking.
  • that would be awesome :dizzy: nice idea!
  • Hey there Kris, Methamos, and Quixote, thank you so much for your ideas and suggestions!

    Having gear slots and identifying markers for school members would be pretty sweet, as well as having a dedicated space for schools to recruit and interact.

    I'll pass these ideas along to the team. While I can't promise they'll respond directly, I'll make absolutely sure to share your thoughts on these with them.

    Thank you again, and if you can think of any other school improvements, please do let us know!
  • Hi Slocap

    I have a couple of feedback points for schools.

    1: Training bot takes on the form of school mentor.

    2: Training bot fights character with perfect gold chaining. Giving the player a difficult opponent at all times to train with.

    3: School Deck - Currently the school deck cannot be edited.

    I propose that when a mentor creates a school, they select up to 8 moves, which become highlighted Yellow in the deck creation screen. These moves represent the core of the school's combat deck, and cannot be edited.

    Outside of these core moves, which are locked, the school deck can be modified.

    A player would still receive moves in the combat deck that they do not know, these would be highlighted Blue, and if they remove them from the deck (if said move is not a core move), they can't select them again.
  • Hey Araziel333,

    Thanks for your feedback and keep posting your ideas!
  • Bonjour à toute la communauté d'Absolver. Pour aller droit au but, le système d'école, dans l'état actuel des choses, n'a rien à apporter au jeu si ce n'est la possibilité aux novices d'avoir un deck complet au début du jeu.
    Les idées implantées au patch 1.16 sont cools, mais incomplètes selon moi.

    Je pense notamment à l'aspect communautaire du jeu. Si vous voulez donner du sens à un système d'école, il faut que les élèves puissent s'identifier à leur école et leur mentor.

    Un hub instancié pour chaque école serait l'idéal, une sorte de dojo, donnant un lieu de rencontre pour ses membres. Personnalisation du lieu par le maître d'école, avec bannières par exemple, et SURTOUT avoir la possibilité de nommer l'école en question (par exemple "L'école de la Grue" ou une connerie dans le genre). Il faut créer un
  • edited March 2018
    I read the post about the upcoming 1.16 update.
    I had a question about this- Mentors will now be able to update their School content (Combat Deck and rewards) by spending one crystal.
    How will this affect current school members; if a Mentor updates the Combat Deck, will a current school members deck change instantly? If rewards are changed, but the Disciple has already reached maximum progression in the School, will they get the new rewards?
    I like the idea about being able to edit my School Deck and Rewards, but I am concerned how it will affect current members, especially since they may have chosen the School because of the rewards and moves.

    Thanks again for your continued support.
    For those that havent seen it, this is the link to the upcoming changes.
  • Suggestion-
    If, and/or, when Tournament style fighting is added to the game, I think it would be nice to have a School vs School option.
  • Quixote said:

    I read the post about the upcoming 1.16 update.
    I had a question about this- Mentors will now be able to update their School content (Combat Deck and rewards) by spending one crystal.
    How will this affect current school members; if a Mentor updates the Combat Deck, will a current school members deck change instantly? If rewards are changed, but the Disciple has already reached maximum progression in the School, will they get the new rewards?
    I like the idea about being able to edit my School Deck and Rewards, but I am concerned how it will affect current members, especially since they may have chosen the School because of the rewards and moves.

    Thanks again for your continued support.

    Hey Quixote,

    We don't have any more information to share about the first School update yet. However, it will be out soon and you'll be able to check out everything we've done to date and give us feedback on it.
  • edited March 2018
    So, once you hit level 60 you can just join a school to learn the rest of the moves, and just change schools to collect all of the moves?
  • Y that should be possible. Finally a reason to use the school decks^^
  • ocybin said:

    So, once you hit level 60 you can just join a school to learn the rest of the moves, and just change schools to collect all of the moves?

    Hey Ocybin,

    This has always been possible and will continue to be possible with the 1.16 update. What's changing is that you can actually learn from your School's deck by using your moves against enemies.
  • Cool, thanks.
  • Hi .
    1.16 is out, but there really isn't any information that I could find that addresses the concerns I brought up in the above post about modifying School Decks and Rewards.

    Can you provide some clarification, thanks in advance.
  • Specific questions I have-
    If a Mentor changes a deck, how do those changes take effect, are they immediate?
    is the Student notified of the changes?
    If a Student has already reached maximum progression in a School, do they recieve the updated rewards?
  • Quixote said:

    Specific questions I have-
    If a Mentor changes a deck, how do those changes take effect, are they immediate?
    is the Student notified of the changes?
    If a Student has already reached maximum progression in a School, do they recieve the updated rewards?

    Hey Quixote,

    When you change a school deck, there is a popup that goes out to let people know the school was updated. This is what triggers the change so as to prevent the combat deck changing mid-fight on someone. Any rewards a student has earned so far are replaced by the new rewards that have been set, so you don't have to earn them all over again.
  • thanks for the clarification.
    I appreciate your continued efforts at improving the gaming experience.
  • Hello SloClap-
    I was wondering if there were any details you could provide regarding upcoming changes and/or additions to the School feature.

    thank you for your continued support.
  • A suggestion, For schools we should have a feedback system so students can tell their mentors whether they like the deck or not. As well as allowing disciples more privileges in the school and adding another rank even to schools above disciples.
  • Having multiple school decks would be great also.
  • i like my school triangle.
  • edited July 2018
    it would be fun to upgrade the appearance and functionality of meditation so the absolver can experience 1v1 versus teachers and other unique training partners based upon the student's abilities and experience level, nearby features and students, of each game area and style they are affiliated to;functinal weather inside training room many new visual improvements, abtractions, to make tutorials and training more rewarding :)
  • I'd just like to see more enemies who are not human opponents that also aren't mask wearing.The teachers could use a better or more colorful interface, it was confusing to equip the styles and the rewards could include gearset with some fun emotes.
  • A school that pertains to chakrams
This discussion has been closed.