Secret Masks that we don't know about?
OK BOYOS! I just got off a combat trial with some fella who was rocking some strange mask that i've never EVER seen before. I'm talkin' a mask that isn't seen on any typical webpage like the wiki or anything of the sort. I thought that i was just dumb and missed it on somewhere. BUT I'M NOT! I now regret that I never took a screenshot of the dude wearing it. BUT i did friend him. Here is the conversation i had with the guy. I'm going to remove out his name so no unneeded traffic goes to his account.
Insanoex: Sorry for leaving there lol. BUT I HAD TO ASK! where did you get that mask my man lol
Insanoex: never seen it in game!
Insanoex: lucky pull?
-------: lol np
-------: i have no idea
-------: i mean i dont remember
Insanoex: AWW COME ON MAN!
-------: ist been a long time since i dont play
SO he says that he doesn't remember... and he is an oldschool player. Were there masks given out as an event? Maybe exclusive masks given to people who played in the closed beta maybe? Perhaps there are masks SO RARE that the developers keep them a secret so it'll be a super special surprise to whomever is lucky enough to obtain one... I don't know. But being a Fabsolver like myself, that's info i'd like to know! There are mysterious forces at work here my friends. Next time I see this guy online, i'll try to show you what im talking about friends.
Insanoex: Sorry for leaving there lol. BUT I HAD TO ASK! where did you get that mask my man lol
Insanoex: never seen it in game!
Insanoex: lucky pull?
-------: lol np
-------: i have no idea
-------: i mean i dont remember
Insanoex: AWW COME ON MAN!
-------: ist been a long time since i dont play
SO he says that he doesn't remember... and he is an oldschool player. Were there masks given out as an event? Maybe exclusive masks given to people who played in the closed beta maybe? Perhaps there are masks SO RARE that the developers keep them a secret so it'll be a super special surprise to whomever is lucky enough to obtain one... I don't know. But being a Fabsolver like myself, that's info i'd like to know! There are mysterious forces at work here my friends. Next time I see this guy online, i'll try to show you what im talking about friends.
I GOT IT! Has anyone seen this one before? Even the top looks different to me as well. Am i just crazy or is this something that I've missed all this time? I guess my description was decent enough, minus the glowing eye part lol.