For those complaining about the fast jab meta.

I left it mostly unedited so you could see me lose and be salty as a sea urchin up until I figure him out, also enjoy my friends slight commentary as he was playing Knack 2 on the highest difficulty.
Going to do a more edited version to share so that people can see it is possible to beat people who go for a lot of fast combos.
Also, I say things they are probably not true and are do to my lack of experience, and yes I pretty much start trolling him after a certain point, but I found it a valid strategy.
Meta would be somewhat like this, but much more complex, lots of fast jabs, wide sweeps to not let you sidestep or backstep, low and high kicks to dodge most common methods to break someone's chain. And a perfect timing.
But you did good in learning his moves, and you can call it trolling, but it clearly got in his head.
I faced someone who did exactly what you just said: it was a rush of jabs and elbows followed by two sweeps. I kept punishing him after the second sweep, then in our last match I couldn't punish the second sweep anymore. I got so angry, but had I backed off and cooled down, I would have noticed a previous heavy strike knocked me into another stance and that my light attack in that stance wasn't quick enough to punish.
Also yes, it took me forever to start punishing him, as I was just trying to stay away from him for a good share of the time.
and general lag.
are the games greatest issues right now.
honestly day1 was better than when i post this as far as pressing a button and getting a response.
This guy isn't half as good as a few people I've seen, its a mix of medium speed attacks messing up your rythm and you not reading him well enough to dodge appropriately. Don't know if you started reading his combos more later in the video, but there were so many opportunities to side-dodge and get in on him at the end of his axe kick breaker, forget the name, or his charge breaker moves.
As for the dodging, I don't actually dodge very often with either Circle or the Defensive mechanic because I never really dodge many attacks that way and as it turns out, I dislike the Stagger Stance defensive mechanic as it's nothing but a light tap that doesn't seem to allow for a proper follow-up. If it does and I'm doing it wrong, then by all means I'll try to get better at it, but so far I only enjoy the drunken back kick and the shoulder stumble with the hit of armor.
I also see that ducking attacks are very efficient if you find yourself pushed. A simple duck attack can avoid 1 or even 2 fast punches, stun them a little bit and start your combo. The meta favors fast attack so if you have slow heavy attacks in your deck and you lose, you have no rights to complain.