
Can there be, to some degree, some kind of skill based matchmaking, or are we saving that for the upcoming "Ranked"-esque mode that's in the works? If that's the case, can the 'casual' mode have some sort of equalising? IE both players are given scaled stats?

Because as it is, whatever level you are, whatever your Combat level is (From online games played, won, and done exemplary in), you're almost guaranteed to come up against a level 60 whom has played online for a significant amount of time. This isn't ideal for newer players.

Admittedly, it may be because I'm bad, but while I'm able to defeat some level 60's at level 30, some just seem to have an unreasonable amount of health and damage- and have already long mastered the ability of the x-spam.



  • In the current system, matchmaking is based on a combination of individual Skill rating, Character Level and latency. Also, as with any online game, you have to take into account who is actually online and queuing for a match.

    So in some cases you may be meeting up with a level 60 because you're at the same skill level and in other cases it may be that they're the only ones online and/or with similar latency.
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