[PC] Boxing Deck, Kahlt School~

I made a boxing school on PC lol, we're rank like 50 out of 3000, pretty proud of that (ty 2 reddit members)
The rewards are bear gloves, which do cut damage when you punch, and a fun deck to shit around with lol. Also Kahlt but atm thats not really a reward more like a plague LOL.
Anyway, add me here to get the deck (http://steamcommunity.com/id/obligatoryasian)
Join the group here as I plan to do things like tourneys and other things (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/kicksareforgirls#)
Don't quote me on that though I'm bad at planning things I'm better as just a personality or a commentator ahue.
have fun and go meme about
...which is probably why I die a lot.
...which is probably why I die a lot.