The Stance Inaccuracy and Random Stance Changes is Worse Than Ever with 1.30
It's really hard to get clips of this. But I have some footage of it, and I am willing to go through it, and get a few clips, and upload the clips, if needed, and explain in more depth.
I've already tried to explain this twice on the SubReddit. However, it seems like people "didn't like" me even sharing that.
I'd also like to point out that the moderators in the official discord frequently (proudly) "mock" players who make mistakes, or report bugs. I went there 3 times all 3 times to report bugs. And all three times I was treated extremely disrespectfully by both members, and by moderators. The only reason I was there was to report bugs.
There are some other problems with "Patch 1.30", but it is over-all a step forward. The gameplay feels more solid in general -- besides the stance bug, which was new with Downfall, and like I said, way more exacerbated than it was prior "Patch 1.30".
Other problems new with Patch 1.30:
Hit detection in PvE is terrible. Somewhere between the "practice" "realm" in the "meditation" menu, and where it was in PvP right after the release of Downfall -- which is really bad (but still not as bad as it still is in the "practice" realm in the meditation menu).
Problems that existed before Patch 1.30, and still exist:
Forward Lean Slash is dodged by side dodges of both Winfall and manual dodge.
Side Wind Thrust misses without any dodge happening.
Details about the "Stance Bug":
There were changes to "hit stun", blocking, and stance changes with Downfall. The devs also changed the programming that determine what stance the player "defaults" to, when being interrupted by being struck while they are attacking.
This is actually pretty hard to describe these differences just from memory.
(And it's been really fun getting constantly harassed and verbally abused for bug-reporting, yes, THANK YOU, Sloclap moderators
The stance indicator was never inaccurate prior to Downfall. With the changes with Downfall, to hit stun, the stance indicator is inaccurate until your "stun" period is over. (However, you can still queue an attack. So before Downfall, you could change stances, and then queue and attack, now you just queue the wrong attack from the wrong stance.)
The stance indicator is still wrong. And the programming in regards to what stance the player is defaulted to after being interrupted was changed again. And it feels more random now.
I have not analyzed this. And it would take a lot of time to do so.
I will clip and upload the footage if I get a positive response.
I've already tried to explain this twice on the SubReddit. However, it seems like people "didn't like" me even sharing that.
I'd also like to point out that the moderators in the official discord frequently (proudly) "mock" players who make mistakes, or report bugs. I went there 3 times all 3 times to report bugs. And all three times I was treated extremely disrespectfully by both members, and by moderators. The only reason I was there was to report bugs.
There are some other problems with "Patch 1.30", but it is over-all a step forward. The gameplay feels more solid in general -- besides the stance bug, which was new with Downfall, and like I said, way more exacerbated than it was prior "Patch 1.30".
Other problems new with Patch 1.30:
Hit detection in PvE is terrible. Somewhere between the "practice" "realm" in the "meditation" menu, and where it was in PvP right after the release of Downfall -- which is really bad (but still not as bad as it still is in the "practice" realm in the meditation menu).
Problems that existed before Patch 1.30, and still exist:
Forward Lean Slash is dodged by side dodges of both Winfall and manual dodge.
Side Wind Thrust misses without any dodge happening.
Details about the "Stance Bug":
There were changes to "hit stun", blocking, and stance changes with Downfall. The devs also changed the programming that determine what stance the player "defaults" to, when being interrupted by being struck while they are attacking.
This is actually pretty hard to describe these differences just from memory.
(And it's been really fun getting constantly harassed and verbally abused for bug-reporting, yes, THANK YOU, Sloclap moderators

The stance indicator was never inaccurate prior to Downfall. With the changes with Downfall, to hit stun, the stance indicator is inaccurate until your "stun" period is over. (However, you can still queue an attack. So before Downfall, you could change stances, and then queue and attack, now you just queue the wrong attack from the wrong stance.)
The stance indicator is still wrong. And the programming in regards to what stance the player is defaulted to after being interrupted was changed again. And it feels more random now.
I have not analyzed this. And it would take a lot of time to do so.
I will clip and upload the footage if I get a positive response.
We're sorry to hear you've run into some bugs. If you are still experiencing issues, Please send an email over to our team at (for PC) or (for PS4) or (for Xbox) with as much detail as possible for more in-depth assistance.
Thank you so much for your patience and bringing this to our attention, we apologize for any frustration this issue may have caused.
You will need to provide a video clip of what you're describing for us to see the issue as well as a written explanation of what you expected to see happen versus what you saw in the clip.
In general, when you feel there is a bug with the way something like this works, a video clip with written explanation like this is pretty necessary. It's just too difficult to write out something like this and have it be clear to all parties involved.
As for the Discord, you can DM me a screenshot of whatever you think was inappropriate and I can review it.
I will clip some of the videos I have and try to explain.
It feels like there is increased delay (by about 0.05 to 0.3 second) before both I can change stances (and delay until the stance indicator will be accurate again), with / after patch 1.30.
Also it feels more inconsistent as to what stance I get put into when being interrupted. But I have not analyzed this or the changes yet.
If the changes to the mechanics regarding this aspect of the game are documented somewhere, could you please link it?
First hit of typhoon slash misses, possible stance bug (I will finish going through the videos I have to find all the cips I have of the stance bug before I begin analyzing the footage), sword ground bug
There were changes made to target locking with Downfall --
The changes are:
You now must be facing the person you want to lock the target on.
I think the new code is inferior to the old.
The following bug has occurred twice to me, but I only have clip of the once. This bug has happened only, the two times, after Patch 1.30:
Thanks. Much love to the Absolver team. Great game.
I'll finish going through the footage and update later.
occurs at 0:07 - 0:10
stance appears to and felt to have switched randomly.
Lets clarify features of the stance switch first.
A . you cant switch your stance while getting hit
(that makes sense because you get pushed back so you cant move in a way that youd like)
B .the stance your attacks lead to will still be your next stance when your attack get interupted
(makes sense because attack need all your body force to move your body from one point to another
a hit wont cancel all of your momentum but only that part that gets hit)
C .strafes can change both of the players stances when they get interupted or dodge
(makes sense because you face another direction and the stances depend on
wich of your body parts is pointing towards the enemie)
1 Video.:
8 -10 seconds: you start an attack from bottom right but get interupted before your block falls.
its a rare timing but its nothing else than an interupted attack case B 2 times in a row.
2nd Video:
is clearly a bug. but from my personal experience it happens very rarely. nevertheless bug is bug
3rd Video:
1-2 second: you and your opponent are experiencing case C
-his stance got changed 90 degrees to the right because you dodged his blink punch, but since blink punch is changing the stance 90degrees to the left he ends up in the same stance gold linking and repeating the
bink punch wich is still stronger than your drunken smash.
-you get hit and your drunken smash gets interupted. since its a strafe that can change stances, your stance
gets changed 90degrees to the left and you and up in the same spot
Btw this is replicable.
Its really unfortunate when you actually get harassed but ive never experienced it nor did i see one experiencing
harassment from the developers. So screenshots or videos would be nice for such claims.
I hope you can see how stance switches work now.
Personally, and im 1400hours into this game and analyzing alot of things quite frequently, stance switches
are understandable and consistent when they happen. Its not like you could get why you switched the stance in
each exact moment while fighting, but if you analyze it afterwards youll see that it makes sense.
3rd video:
Okay, let me analyze this personally. Starting at 8 seconds, in 25% speed.
I use Hadrunken from stance: front left. Hadrunken ends in front left. Opponent dodges with stagger side dodge. My toon is defaulted to back left stance, from front left stance.
I can see because of the strafe and orientation that it could change the stance. I don't know the specifics as to what stance you go into based on strafing. I haven't experimented with it or analyzed it.
Okay, another thing that is significant, that is not relevant here, but relevant to another possible bug that I captured footage of, is that the stagger dodge hits me and does not get absorbed, while / after I used Hadrunken. I don't want to get into that, and I'm definitely not saying that it's wrong or shouldn't happen. Just want to make note of it.
Okay, so I get hit by the stagger side dodge, and then it appears that I am blocking. The opponent then uses a right leg front kick (I don't know the absolver game name for the attack), and I get hit even though it appears I'm blocking. This doesn't necessarily mean anything given all the variables of the situation, and didn't feel significant at the time. The opponent then follows with a left leg round kick (again, don't know what specific attack that is).
Okay. This is exactly where my stance magically changes.
Let me be clear, that the stance change from the strafe from the side stagger dodge changing me from front left to back left already happened. This is after. Stance indicator says I am in back left. You can also visually see that my toon's stance is consistent with the back left stance pose orientation.
I block the "left round kick", and my stance (on my toon's pose orientation, but not the stance indicator) is changed to back right, from back left.
I then initiate an attack, and the stance indicator suddenly changes to back right.
After that, I try to attack again, get hit again, and then the opponent uses spinning flute, and I block, and then use shockwave, moved a little away from the edge, and then my toon stood there while I pressed the capture video button on the ps4 button.
3rd video starting from 8 seconds your drunken paw doesnt absorb because it has ended since 1 frame.
if it hits earlier , it will get absorbed
its pretty easy wich stance youll get
Your belly is facing :
towards the left of your opponent ---> top left stance
towards the right of your opponent ---> top right stance
left but away from your opponent ---> back left stance
right but away from your opponent ---> back right stance
at the end of hadrunken he is at your back so you get pushed into a back stance
you cant block afterwards because the stagger dodge has 12 frame hitstun. you may blocked 1 frame to late or your opponents laggs 1 additional frame, both can lead to unblockable hits of 13 frame (reaching maegerie is 13 frames)
THAN your stance seem to change magically but since you got 3 frame left in between his 2 attacks you could have
started a next attack that lead you to the bottom right.
and that seems very likely to me since you attack immediatly with a heavy move. i suppose you thought you were in the other stance to start another move, but since you attack immediatly it seems very likely you did that after you got hit too.
That would explain your change to bottom right and is a case B
okay, except that:
(1) you can see my character change stances, while she's blocking, (even though the stance indicator doesn't change until i start the attack later) -- this happens during the opponent's left leg round kick which i block at 9 seconds, and
(2) my back left attack is parry and strike, which ends in back left. my alt attack definitely ends in a front stance. also i didn't attack.
For the record, my back right normal attack is horse kick.
it could still be a laggy manuel stance switch tho...
also i don't see how it could be laggy manual stance switch because you can't stance switch while you're blocking or in hit stun, any more, you have to wait until after that is over before you can stance switch now.
Also, if your opponent circled around you, you would change stance when they got to a certain angle, I guess 90 degrees, since 360/4 = 90.
When they released Downfall, they changed it so that you ended up in the stance the attack started in - not ended in.
They also added in new hit stun functionality. If I remember correctly, they added the functionality to disallow you from stance changing while being hit, or while blocking, with Downfall.
Just want to go through this one more time.
Go to settings, speed > 0.25. Go to 7 seconds.
I use Hadrunken from stance: front left. Hadrunken ends in front left. Opponent dodges with stagger side dodge to his left.
My toon is defaulted to back left stance, from front left stance. (I am not aware of the mechanics about this, and wouldn't mind someone explaining why I went to Back Left instead of say Front Right, for example.)
Okay, so I get hit by the stagger side dodge, and my Hadrunken does not absorb it, but I am interrupted out of the attack.
Then it appears that I am blocking. The opponent then uses a "right leg front kick", and I get hit even though it appears I'm blocking. I was in Back Left stance.
The opponent then follows with a "left leg round kick". Time stamp is 0:09.
Upon blocking, my toon is switched to Back Right stance, but it does not show on the stance indicator, and my toon blocks the attack (left leg round kick).
Upon the opponent finishing an attack, my toon queues her attack.
We know that my toon changed to Back Right, because it is consistent with the toon's orientation, when she is in Back Right stance.
Horse kick is on Back Right. Parry & Strike is on Back Left.
The attack that was queued was Horse Kick, and the stance indicator is switched to Back Right.
Time stamp is 0:09.
0:07, I use Hadrunken from Front Left. My stance is changed to Back Right.
0:27, I use jumped light kick -- that is my alt attack from Front Left, and ends in Front Right.
I guess opponent's windfall dodge to his right / my left switched my stance from Front Right to Back Right.
I guess both of these can be written off as orientation changes due to opponent's WF dodges, but it felt really weird when it happened.