Hey sorry noobies
Hey im sly riot, this past week i finally reached 5oo in ct. Because of the new players i want to apologize for beating the snot out of you while hardly trying at all. Not much balance between high level players an noobs. None the less, havefun and fold well my friends
I hope its a fun to play as it to beat ;p.
What i meant was my decks damage out put was like 120+ at the time, and i was stagger style so anyone just picking up the game probably wouldnt have stood a chance if i had played with my feet,
Im happy to say some of those newbs have trained hard and have beatin the snot out of me in later matches. I never meant to sound cocky or ignorant, i just believe in some civility amongst warriors. Its MARTIAL ARTS guys come on lol
I would like to note that the only imbalance is between players with sub-prestige, everything past that is all skill and strategy.