Typo and Weird Door Model

I have found that there is a typo in Kahlt combat style's description. There is a missing letter in "mountains" (moutains). Other than that there is a door near the altar in docks that it looks weird and incomplete. I don't know if it is intentional but i don't think so considering you already have good wooden door models.
These are the pictures. I hope it helps.


  • Hey barankorkmaz,

    Thank you for letting us know about this! I'm passing along this info to the dev team. Your help and screenshots are highly appreciated!
  • Another typo I noticed: "medicine" was spelled "medecine" when talking to an NPC...I want to say it was the guy who lets you create a fight school. No screenshot, sorry :(
  • jkjohnso said:

    Another typo I noticed: "medicine" was spelled "medecine" when talking to an NPC...I want to say it was the guy who lets you create a fight school. No screenshot, sorry :(

    Hey jkjohnso,

    We weren't able to find this so would need a screenshot to know where it is.
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