Absolver PS4 - gave crash and save corruption (CE-34878-0 error)
Recently I've been playing Absolver on my PS4 console, I've made quite a bit of a progress there, spent 4h 48m in-game, became "absolver" and got lvl 22.
The issue happened when I was modifying my combat deck - the game crashed with error CE-34878-0. Now the game doesn't allow me to load the save, it says that the save is corrupted. Also, the game says that the level saved in the game is level 0, while the time I've spent in-game is about 4h 48m.
Lightly saying, I am quite disappointed that my efforts were completely annihilated and the progress was so easily destroyed by some tremendous bug. I do not find it intriguing to spend additionally 4+ hours in order to reach the same level with learned moves, skills, items etc. with a possibility that my second save can become somehow corrupted as well.
I need you to look right into this issue and find some sort of solution/compensation for me, otherwise I will be forced to claim a refund and let everyone know about such sort of experience in all social networks.
Looking forward for your prompt attention to the matter and some quick resolution.
Stan Chern
P.S. I am attaching some screenshots for the reference.

Recently I've been playing Absolver on my PS4 console, I've made quite a bit of a progress there, spent 4h 48m in-game, became "absolver" and got lvl 22.
The issue happened when I was modifying my combat deck - the game crashed with error CE-34878-0. Now the game doesn't allow me to load the save, it says that the save is corrupted. Also, the game says that the level saved in the game is level 0, while the time I've spent in-game is about 4h 48m.
Lightly saying, I am quite disappointed that my efforts were completely annihilated and the progress was so easily destroyed by some tremendous bug. I do not find it intriguing to spend additionally 4+ hours in order to reach the same level with learned moves, skills, items etc. with a possibility that my second save can become somehow corrupted as well.
I need you to look right into this issue and find some sort of solution/compensation for me, otherwise I will be forced to claim a refund and let everyone know about such sort of experience in all social networks.
Looking forward for your prompt attention to the matter and some quick resolution.
Stan Chern
P.S. I am attaching some screenshots for the reference.

I have been looking forward to this game for months and I'm really let down. I would love to continue. However this is quite a large bug.
If I spent money on a game that is going to delete all of my progress every time it crashes, then I agree and think some sort of compensation isn't too much to ask. If anything at least a refund.
I Was lvl 31 with 8hours on play ( i guess)
Suddenly when i was training deck, absolver get down and my file was corrupted so i lost all and had to create a new file.
Happened at 2pm (14h45)
I hope something for this damage, answer about that or something else
Cya and thanks for your work
I already had many crashes while building combat decks in training, but another crash occured when trying to send an invitation to a friend to join my group, and this crash corrupted my data,
Please do fix it and give us our character back, erasing our very first character from a game is like killing a baby in his mother's hand.. You give him so much love and it just dies in a second for no reason
Since the developers fail to elaborate, I hereby claim that the game is broken, claim my refund and, make my word, I will make sure that the community knows about your crappy attitude towards the customers - the consumers of the product provided broken.
Meanwhile, find these topics on the matter created by other players having experienced the same issue, no resolution nor reply so far. Some of their cases seem to be even more severe than mine:
Have a nice day.
Stan Chern
Nous sommes vraiment désolés que vous ayez perdu vos personnages à cause de ce problème de sauvegardes corrompues. Nous comprenons votre frustration. Nous avons tout fait pour résoudre le problème, ainsi que les autres soucis apparus après le lancement du jeu, et nous continuons à travailler d'arrache pied pour améliorer et optimiser le jeu.
Notre communauté de joueurs est au centre de tout ce que nous faisons, croyez le, et nous sommes désolés que vous ayez le sentiment de ne pas être apprécié ou entendu. Je vous assure que c'est loin d'être le cas, et tous les commentaires, suggestions et signalements de problèmes sont lus et appréciés par notre équipe, car ils nous aident à améliorer le jeu pour tous. Sans votre support, il nous serait impossible de réaliser le potentiel énorme d'Absolver, maintenant et à l'avenir.
Alors merci pour votre support, et encore une fois, toutes nos excuses pour les problèmes apparus.
Si vous le souhaitez, nous apprécierions que vous envoyiez un email au support technique au sujet de ce souci de sauvegarde. Sur PC, l'adresse est: support_pc@sloclap.com. Sur PS4: support_ps4@sloclap.com.
Merci, et une excellente soirée à vous.