Please make a Ban feature
Some players are toxic using emotes to taunt and BM. There are others who do nothing but run around the map.. and then there are players who are much better than you who for some ungodly reason keep getting matched up with you no matter how long you wait between queues.. There really should be a toggled ban to deal with these people instead of just leaving and giving them a win and essense
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We appreciate that you share your thoughts and your game experience. I can't promise that they'll be implemented, but I'll be sharing your ideas to the team. Please continue to do that; we need your feedback.
Thanks again for your support!
Forget that.
What I'm trying to say is that there are many people who just try to enjoy PvP. And you need at least two people for that )) Sometimes we allow our ego to get the best of us and some of us don't even try to be nice in the first place, but our (small) community is quite adequate in general.
The ban feature is still needed though. Just some kind of exclusion from potential list of oponents for a short time will be enough. Sometimes we just don't want to fight the same person again for... whatever reason.