How is adal?
So my psn is down...
How are the fights?
New update huh?
Thats cool, miss yall...
I said i wouldnt get like this.....
I promised myself i wouldnt write this...
I couldnt resist, i just needed to talk...
..i love you
How are the fights?
New update huh?
Thats cool, miss yall...
I said i wouldnt get like this.....
I promised myself i wouldnt write this...
I couldnt resist, i just needed to talk...
..i love you
Ill be back, i played a bit the other say and just sorta messed with my sword deck cause after 300+ hours i feel like i could have a way more efficient sword deck than the one ive used for so long.
When other people seem to absolutely dominate me with thier sword decks,
Aside from that though ive been away from adal and miss running into people in the open world, pve content would be amazing in this sense cause it wouldnt be nearly as boring to play offline.
Mpc's are so predictable sometimes i wanna just stop playing cause i need more of a challange