My thoughts. What this game could have been.

edited August 2017 in General Discussions

I wanted to start this off by saying I really like this game. Since I really like this game I am now only going to talk about why this game makes me frustrated because it could be so much more.

I don't know what your technical limitations are and I might be living in a fantasy world but what I wanted was so much more. When you talked about an "open world" fighting game where you could choose your origin I pictured characters with different looks depending on where you choose (which the game has) and a back story for each region to explain why this character looks the way it looks or why that character might be here now. Some story about what I am doing and why I am where I am. This game is almost a complete mystery to me. I haven't finished the entire game so maybe the mystery will be solved by the end.

Arena. The second thing I pictured was this huge arena with players standing around this big pile of sand watching other players fight to the death. Maybe that goes against this whole mystery thing but thats what I pictured, a lot of this will. There could be two different styles of matches.

Ranked Arena fights - Players sign up and get matched to another player of a equal rank. Maybe they have to sign up and wait for a specific time to fight so that other players can come and place bets and gear on who the winner will be. This could follow maybe a seasonal reward and points system. Maybe just like in real boxing/UFC you have the big pro fighters fight games where the public can go and watch in game. Just like anyone could start at the bottom and fight your way to the master Title. This could provide the game with some extra and even give it some Esports like presence.

Obviously you could still have matches where you just queue up and get to fight 1v1 or whatever like we have no. But his could be a really cool player driven thing that is accessible to everyone and even if you are not that good at the game you can still come and watch other people play and maybe earn gear from betting.

Non Ranked - A player shows up to the arena and register for a fight, anyone can come up and challenge that player. No matter the rank. This would be more of a brawl. The winner could maybe be rewarded with gear, xp or points. Maybe with boosts to different styles or maybe completed special decks.

Roaming Absolvers: We players are running around like crazy trying to fight NPCs to fight. Why not have some NPCs run around to try and find players to fight? This could increase the motivation to form groups or help others in need.

Events: More events in general. You could have hidden masters who you could fight and learn special skills and special techniques. Maybe these masters could be from some of the different places of origins you could choose between at the start. You could use this to build some sort of lore and identity behind this otherwise very masked world.

Factions. I am aware Schools exist, this is different. Factions that can only be unlocked by going to a specific part of the world and learning the a style specific to that faction. Factions could have their own enemies and they could have their own wars against each other. You as a player could be dragged into these wars along with maybe having to fight players from other factions if your own faction is hostile to them. Maybe have player controlled faction or guilds where the players can actually have their own politics and conflicts with other player factions. Maybe each faction could hold a library or something where the secrets of their fighting style, lore, religion and you had to protect this sorce of knowledge otherwise the enemy could learn your style and secrets.

I could go on and on about this but then I doubt anyone would actually read this. I really like the game you have made. I just fucking hate that it isn't bigger.


  • Some great ideas. I think on the whole you're getting a little ahead of yourself. Remember, the game just released a lot of this stuff could still happen!

    While some of what you said is just poor understanding of the game design (with respect), a lot is awesome and I think you should get in the suggestions thread with it. Having a physical hub for the art of combat with pits sounds amazing. Please go to the suggestions thread and make a detailed post so we can hopefully see it implemented!

    With regards to the story. IT'S MEANT TO BE MYSTERIOUS! Try to just embrace it, read between the lines. Come up with your own theories based on the little bit of dialog.

    Great post. Get to the suggestions thread and make the case for those pits bro.
  • Nathanael said:

    Some great ideas. I think on the whole you're getting a little ahead of yourself. Remember, the game just released a lot of this stuff could still happen!

    While some of what you said is just poor understanding of the game design (with respect), a lot is awesome and I think you should get in the suggestions thread with it. Having a physical hub for the art of combat with pits sounds amazing. Please go to the suggestions thread and make a detailed post so we can hopefully see it implemented!.

    Thanks, yea maybe I did not get into the story enough. Glad you liked some of the ideas. I posted one in the Suggestions too, its about the pits. Little bit copy pasta but that will do.

    Might post another one about factions but baby steps.
  • Cool, I'll check it out.
  • Mystery is the main theme of this game. The map is vague. The characters are bizarre. The AI is weird. The story is unclear. All that stuffs.
    Your ideas are great but this game is still new and they are improving it day by day so we'll see new stuffs in the future
  • Factions sound fun.
    Though what would they fight over?
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