Style/Deck switch

I think it would be interesting to connect styles with decks and allow smooth transition between decks.
In the similar manner like switching the direction, you could switch between decks with different combos and different special moves. In this way you could start your duel with ie. heavy khalt and adjust the strategy to fast stagger or medium parrying forsaken - depending on your current opponents deck. This could also lead to better balance, as player style would be more flexible and harder to "read"


  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts on being able to assign styles to individual decks! I'll be passing this over to the team, and while I can't promise it'll make it into the game, I'll make sure they see it. Thanks again, wilczasty!
  • Hi Furolles,
    Just to mention, that there were two suggestions actually:
    1.) Connect styles with decks
    2.) Allow free switching between decks (similar to switching stances?)
    Best regards, Wilczasty
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