Emotes - cannot select

edited September 2017 in Bug reports
I press & hold a button to display the "Emotes" radial menu on-screen (a circle with several buttons/icons around the perimeter...like "bow" or "thumbs up" or "agree to stop fighting").

It seems that I should be able to select one of the buttons/icons by using my mouse, then release the button to activate the selection, but nothing happens when I mouse-over the icons and thus cannot activate any of them.

What's up with that?
How am I supposed to select & use the emotes?


    I had my "Emote" command bound to a custom key.
    The Emotes only work with the default key binding: "T"

    As soon as I reset the Emote command to T, I was able to select icons from the radial menu and execute them upon releasing T.
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