Steam achievement 'Master of Styles' not unlocking

Got all fighting styles unlocked on one character but achievement isn't unlocked.


  • Hm, I've just gotten an idea why this problem is happening. On that picture your Khalt style is provided by your school. And even though you might've learned it already it is not recognised by the achievement since it's not properly "learned". And since we do not have an option to exit schools for now this achievement might be absolutely impossible to get...
  • ZohZoh
    edited September 2017
    Yeah just to clarify I have unlocked the Kahlt style properly by using the absorb enough, it was the last one I learned, so maybe it is that you have to change school to another one.
  • We're aware of an issue with certain achievements not unlocking when completed. It's on our to-do list to resolve, but it comes behind things like server connection and lag issues.

    Thanks for your patience!
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