
Perhaps instead of those names it could be called a "Dojo". Each Dojo can have it's own base of operations which could be upgraded with some sort of currency and the ability to buy dojo points which could be used to upgrade things directly effecting the dojo system, for example raising the member cap by 5 every (random amount ) of points or currency spent. Then it could get more competitive with dojo wars to see which dojo is the best and maybe events could flow from there. I just personally think it would be a cool feature where you are able to hang around with your friends and have sparing sessions and compete against others.


  • Playing online I found that the school has many of the functions I mentioned so maybe just adding onto it. School location could be called the dojo. I also think a teleporting system would be amazing so you don't have to walk past all the mobs to get to a place you been to before.
  • *BUMP*The alter could serve as teleporting points. A currency system would be neat so things like hidden outfit shops or trading among players can exist.
  • And then they implement tournament system(with spectator mod) so Dojo vs Dojo will be a thing. Yea.
  • A Dojo would be awesome! So many ideas could come from that, I especially like the idea of having tournaments for the schools to sign up for
  • That's an awesome idea and yeah they should make it so u can trade too so if someone has some of the stuff u need to complete a set and u have something they need u could trade
  • And ya dojo sounds way cooler than school I'm with ya my friend
  • I can't wait till I can get online and check some of that stuff out
  • There's a Playstation exclusive video on YouTube where the lady said they were working on a trading system
  • Thats what schools are, basically guilds or clans with a cooler concept to them.
  • I heard that you can't name your own school when you found it, I'm not a high enough rank to see if that's true, is it?
  • Well, that needs to go in the suggestions thread then for sure
  • Yeah naming your school and having a dojo area would be awesome. Feel free to add on more ideas for the school system here. Maybe a ranking system within the school like martial arts doesn't have to be belts though. Instead of just becoming a disciple you could become an instructor or (rank name created by founder), each rank can have different roles and powers within the school (example-ability to kick or promote/demote a member.
  • Sedna said:

    *BUMP*The alter could serve as teleporting points. A currency system would be neat so things like hidden outfit shops or trading among players can exist.

    please comment on the Market System suggestion I added.
  • Sedna said:

    Yeah naming your school and having a dojo area would be awesome. Feel free to add on more ideas for the school system here. Maybe a ranking system within the school like martial arts doesn't have to be belts though. Instead of just becoming a disciple you could become an instructor or (rank name created by founder), each rank can have different roles and powers within the school (example-ability to kick or promote/demote a member.

    Can we please change CLANS/GUILDS to the Physical School Location. School is the Guild of Absolver. Style is the CLAN. These aspects just need to be built upon. Such as having a Physical School where there is a dojo and you can set 1v1 settings to match on your School or Style, etc.
  • edited September 2017
    I'm not a fan of a teleporting system : for me beeing an absolver is also about wandering and drifting through the ruins.

    But maybe yes : teleporting from a new sector to the map we have (it would be great if we can do that on feet though)

    About the dojo YES, maybe via a system when you can dessolve the excess of equipements and getting raw materials. But the trap would be to not transform the game in a farm game (ex warframe)
    Speaking of Warframe, they have a very intressing DOJO system where clans can create their own space and rooms.

    I would love to see a bamboo dojo, a cavern dojo or a dojo on the edge of a cliff. with rooms to pray, meditate, rest, train, with distinctive sensei, honorables and arrogant members...
    Oh ! And some formal teaching lessons scheduled by the sensei or the instructors or informal lessons :)
  • Damn some great suggestions and ideas being dropped here. Thank you guys for posting and sorry I can't reply how I would like to. Just got back to Miami from Brazil
  • So just steal my idea right? And agree with who stole the idea right? You guys are cool.
  • @Luchini21 , more then one person can have the same idea. Who is stealing your idea? I know I posted this topic before most people even started playing. It may have been lacking in great detail, but one can use their imagination. Feel free to add on to anything related to the topic and thank you for stopping by.
  • @Shuku A way to customize your own dojo like warframe would be awesome! I really just want a physical location to start with though haha. I think one of the problems that they might be running into with this is that what do you do with the schools that have lots of people? We already have problems with lag, how could you fix that here? We have problems with 1v1 lag and then lag when there are just 3 people in a world. How would we then get a dojo with a school that has like, 30 members and not just break the game. I really want to see this become a thing though, so hopefully they can figure this out
  • Perhaps within the dojo one could have a list of school members who are looking to party up or 1v1 and then be connected to you. So that lag wouldn't be as big of an issue. Or maybe you could be in the dojo with a certain amount of school members, maybe create a limit for how many students you can have which could be based on a mentor level. I just think having this function down the line would be awesome. I am sure whatever they think of and add will make us happy.
  • I would like for mentors to be able to join schools. Or schools being able to affiliate with each other.
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