Ping Limit

We should have some kind of way to narrow our connections down based on latency/distance to the other player. As of right now there is a lack of servers in key locations leading to many players from far away connecting to one another (i.e. I'm in New York getting connected to other people in Brazil). In a lot of cases the game is very inconsistent in terms of attack tracking, I-frames, parry/evade/absorb timings, and double hits to name a few. Sometimes it's not too bad, but I rarely if ever seem to get matched with players nearby, and it's killing the flow of the combat.

I don't know if there's a host advantage, but it feels like there is because half of my games I'm hitting my opponent when I shouldn't, while getting very generous parry timings. The other half of the time it's the other way around. It's not fun when there's an unfair advantage and one player's actions has priority over the other. The match becomes a complete stomp if there's any difference in skill, or if one of the players decks counters the other more so.
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