wear as little as possible, and spam L mouse button

got it!


  • Correction: I'm just bad at this game
  • stunlocking does seem to be part of the current meta though.
    Which is annoying.
    Its only fun when you find people playing suboptimally
  • I've made a character of all 3 styles, pvp has only been doable by stun locking them or they stun lock me :(
  • Yep. Stun lock is the meta it seems.
    Stun lock or be stun locked.

    While you can get around it a bit the most efficient deck is the one that chains lots of fast strikes to achieve an effective stun lock.
    Not sure how the devs could get around this problem
  • edited September 2017
    I probably just suck at pvp too. After five or six fights where you just flat out lose all three round, ya kinda get demoralized. So soon as I get stun locked and over whelmed I turn on the TV. Eventually that person gets tired of killing me just standing there and I get exp to unlock the stagger stance, plus I get a points towards doing those boss fights over again.
  • There are abilities that can hit through attacks as well as being able to dodge/parry/absorb/block/strafe
    You also have shockwave that costs 1 shard to use, which you should have perma bound to your first ability slot.
  • Well until they fix the stunlock problem the game is pretty much going to be dull as fuck in pvp.

    When NPCs and new players are the only ones capable of providing any entertainment then the games fucked.
  • edited September 2017
    1) Put points into Will (it's really not a dumpstat to be ignored)
    2) Keep your guard up, use class ability when you can safely (spammers almost always follow a pattern), get your shards filled fast.
    3) Hit 'em with the good ol'e exhaust/gravity (you can absolutely play without shockwave and heal) razzle dazzle.
    4) Enjoy beating the snot out of a buttonmasher because they blazed through all of their stamina and can't fight back or defend.

    That's how I typically deal with 'em.

    Would be nice if they lowered the cost of exhaust, gravity, and shield tho.
  • edited September 2017
    I've been playing my windfall, almost pure vitality and stamina. I'm fighting lvl 30s as a lvl 10ish stun locking and dodging. I don't do much damage, but they either 1.) Don't get a chance to attack me or 2.) They get a good hit in and I dodge the next. When I kill them I get almost full health. These fights take forever, but I've gone from going 1:7 to 4:1 KD
  • edited September 2017

    I've been playing my windfall, almost pure vitality and stamina. I'm fighting lvl 30s as a lvl 10ish stun locking and dodging. I don't do much damage, but they either 1.) Don't get a chance to attack me or 2.) They get a good hit in and I dodge the next. When I kill them I get almost full health. These fights take forever, but I've gone from going 1:7 to 4:1 KD

    tbh level doesn't mean much in this game.

    You can straight up AFK through combat trials and gain levels.

    That said, I'm glad you found a method that works for you.

    Just be wary of stamina-sucking powers and players that know how to use them-- which you will almost never see because everyone and their mother runs heal/shockwave.

    Oh, and people that catch on and start feinting to bait your windfall dodge.
  • Should we really be glad that stunlocking is pretty much the main way to play the game?
  • edited September 2017
    MrJet said:

    Should we really be glad that stunlocking is pretty much the main way to play the game?

    people that have figured out how to counter it should be glad, sure?

    just wait until more people catch on.
  • He pretty much said he countered it by doing it.
  • MrJet said:

    He pretty much said he countered it by doing it.

    More than one way to skin this cat, friend.
  • I dunno. I'm used to Tekken I guess. Using well timed combos to win. This pvp is different. I even used stagger style in a different character and got pooped on
  • It just sounds like, to me, that you're going into combat without using the tools that would allow you to deal with stunlocking.

    Because there are ways to beat it-- a lot of ways, including well-timed combos and exploiting range differences.
  • Build around this meta: long range initiation to start your combo, wide swipes to punish side stepping, charges to place your fist on the face of too eager button-musher.

    My experience with PVP is not that bad, im used to take lots of hits to the gard and to my face, but i rarely loose to spam meta. My advice? Build Forsaken with medium mobility (22 in my case), lots of points into Health and Stamina, and make Strenght your suorce of dmg. This build requiers lots of patience and good timing, with some ways to counterattack (low sweeping kicks, charges etc.) but finishing a fight with a powerfull falcon punch to the face of a spammer, is moment whorth figthing for.
  • so many options in this game and so little that actually work. Spamming fast attack and finishing with a shokwave, then backing up to replenish your stamina is waaayyy too effective. It's almost the only thing I see played in PvP.

    Normally I would never do what I am doing, but now that I have the kill 100 peoples trophy, I simply enter match and let peoples beat the crap out of me while I am AFK doing more interesting thing that button mashing.

    I agree there IS ways to counter spamming fast attacks, but the game simply is'nt strong enough or interesting enough so that I feel it is worth the trouble to devise stragegy to defeat spammers. Heck, I actually got my 100 kill trohpy doing that. It works.
  • Side note, as I was writing my previous post, the game choose the library for my next beat it. I took the controler and jumped down to make things quicker. Well, the other player joined in and we spent the last ten minute killing ourselves to grind quicker. Just to say I am probably not the only one who feel this game fighting is sub par.
  • edited September 2017
    I've passed CT lvl 100 some days ago and stun locking certainly is a core element of the meta. One that I really don't like. No matter of your giving or taking the stun lock - it's dull. Blocking can be used, but it all depends on how optimal your or your opponents deck is.

    I think they should tweak a few things to make fighting a bit more dynamic.
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