More Varied Fighting Styles.

edited September 2017 in Suggestions?
Currently, fighting styles are used mostly defensively, apart from Stagger.

I'd like to see some varied uses for several different styles. It'd open up the game a lot for many different schools, and give you a lot more to work with in how you choose to play.

Some examples of what I mean:

- "Shove" Style: On successful defense with this special action, you will toss the enemy who attacked you to that side of you. For example, you press right and get hit, you'll toss them to your right. This will work similar to Kahlt, taking most of the damage, but you would not be able to heal it after hitting them. This also would not have as long a stun as a Parry.
- "Dynamic" Style: This style would have the player constantly using their style's special ability to keep momentum. Pressing right would change your stance while continuing your combo as if you did it naturally.
An example of this would be that you attack once in right forwards stance, and normally your combo for right forward stance always ends in the same stance. Your left forwards stance second attack always ends in the back left quadrant, but the first in the same quadrant. If you were to attack once in forward right, use your Dynamic special to switch to left stance and attack once, you'll have done the second attack instead of the first, and end in back left stance.
This style would be very offensive, and offer very little defensive benefits. Changing stance using the Dynamic special would do an attack, and if that hit lands you'll get a small amount of stamina back.
- "Roll" Style: This would be the opposite of the "Shove" style, in that instead of tossing your enemy to a directed position around you, you'll move yourself in a directed position around them. It would work in the same fashion, and simply make you move to the side selected of your opponent. If selected backwards, you'll move backwards after taking the hit.
- "Folding" Style: This style would be most similar to Forsaken, in that you will need to aim the Folding special in the direction of the attack at precise timing. Doing so will not get stamina, but instead larger amounts of Shard regeneration and block the damage entirely. This would be the style for the player who wants to always be using shards left and right.
- "Pressure" Style: This style would be used offensively, and control the fight by forcing the opponent to be unable to use a certain stance for a short duration. By using the Pressure special against an opponent who doesn't defend against the attack, they will be locked out of their current stance they were in when the attack landed for roughly 5 seconds. Locking a second quadrant unlocks the first. This means that the defending player against this stance will not be allowed to use any moves in the locked stance, nor would they be able to switch to it by any means until the time is up or it is unlocked by having a second stance locked. The attacks would dodge in the direction selected and go for an attack on that side. If selected forwards, it will dodge high and do a mid attack. If selected backwards, it will dodge low and do a mid attack. Chip damage with weapons will not cause the effect, due to the opponent successfully defending against the attack.


  • I like the majority of the ideas! But the problem I see with shove is the pvp areas with ledges. It's bad enough with people baiting you towards the edge, being able to push someone will only make that worse. Pressure sounds like a cool idea but I think 5 seconds might be too long. Those would be my only criticisms, everything else sounds great!
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