Help! can't move down on menu's

i can move the highlight down on the main menu (New Game to Options) ok but when i go into Options i cant move the highlight down to graphics, also i cant move down on character creation screen making the game unplayable. Help?


  • I have the exact same problem, and I don't know whats wrong, it has me stuck in this awkward resolution, and my mouse doesn't work. All my drivers are current and I honestly can't explain the problem.
  • Have you put the game in windowed mode? I've noticed on PC that the game becomes completely unplayable when in windowed mode. The UI lags and I can not navigate the menu to put the game back to fullscreen. I ended up having to go to C:\users\{username}\appdata\local\Absolver\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor and delete the GameUserSettings.ini to restore fullscreen mode and my ability to play
  • Thanks but I already refunded it sooooooo....
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