Minor Fix to the camera in the fight

edited September 2017 in Suggestions?
i understand the camera is controlled by an algorithm and is not a human cameraman who can position your point of view depending the situation, so a small (i think) fix for that might be the camera switch to a top view when you're against 2 walls or objects and you can't see well, then come back to normal when you're not against the wall again,
also would be good to have the ability to switch the camera shoulder (normally camera floats over your shoulder in the fights and switch the shoulder when it detects collision with an object and remains in that shoulder unless you move to another wall on the camera side and switches again) sometimes the camera chooses a shoulder and we want to switch it to be able to control the movements of the other enemies or players during a fight....

and by the way i forgot to mention this in my previous topics, but ABSOLVER IS AN AWESOME GAME, all the suggestions are intended to make this wonderful game even better keep up the good work guys!!!


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    or even invisible walls, i feel guilty when i corner my opponent with my storm of punches and i know he/she is having issue with the camera
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