Empowered Attacks

Would love to see attacks that have special functions in exchange for shards. The attacks can be meh without a shard, but with one has additional damage and effects.

  • Gut Punch - Stuns an enemy on impact
  • Disorienting Blow - Reduces enemy stamina
  • Throw Counter - Parries an attack and throws the enemy
  • Knee Strike - Reduces enemy mobility
  • Homing Strike - When empowered, has superarmor and additional tracking
Most of them could have similar effects to the current abilities, but can be weaved into combos at the cost of range and at-will use. I'd much rather set up for my elbow strike by knocking the wind out of an enemy than casting a spell. I'm thinking they'd cost a single shard a piece, but as soon as you use the ability you lose the shard even if it misses. Feinting can refund it, maybe.

It sorta feels weird that if we don't summon weapons or cast spells we lose out on a lot of our power.
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