More stuff and bigger world!

Currently the base game is solid and fun (ignoring the bugs that are being fixed ;) but it is lacking in content.

So here are a few suggestions for future content.

More weapons! This is an obvious thing but currently we have 2 out of the shown 3 weapons (lacking that staff m8... really want it!). Still there are so many good weapons that can be added to the game. Tonfas, Spears, 2h Swords, Axes/Clubs/Maces, Knives/Daggers, Meteor hammers, all ancient Chinese weapons etc. Lots of cool stuff there :)

More schools! They don't have to be as detailed as the badass drunken boxing one but boy do I like the idea and I want more! Regular boxing and taekwondo where you just use your fists or feet is at the top of what i want to see. Right after those is the Mui thai we all know and love with it's elephant stomping and elbow smashing (Ong Bak... nuff said). Then we have the whole tiger/crane/mantis/monkey styles of kung fu. (Good stuff) Oh and Sumo... god I want sumo in this game....

More areas! I know I know you aint got it done yet and you have other things to worry about the more places to walk for the players (like that 3v3 game mode) but hear me out. What is it that most people are doing right this second within the game? Is it pvp? waiting for a 1v1 match? or is it perhaps exploring farming exp, moves and gear? The most awesome moments in the game so far has been the opening of a gate and exploring the area beyond it. And boy did you guys deliver some fantastic areas to explore! I love how I missed so many things after my THIRD runthough of the areas that I have to go back and check after seeing someone having a mask I have never seen before or hearing about a rare mob that has cool moves I can learn etc. etc. I WANT MORE! More areas more places to go stuff to see and mobs to beat the shit out of.... aka farm, for loot and moves.

More Styles! GET ME MY SUMO!!! Ok maybe not... but I think if anything will keep this game going it is obvious that it is this. The hardest and most problematic thing is also the greatest lure you guys have atm. I wonder how many people finnished the pve section and did some pvp before leaving only to hear about the drunk masters that are rare spawns and come right back in to the game again! Good shit right there ;)

New stuff! Ok so silly ideas incomming.
What if you added, wait for it... ... ... DUNGEONS! Yea like little short little go in beat some mobs and a mini boss and the face off against the big boss in a made for 3, dungeon. Add in some higher difficulties and loot drops that get's more and more awesome and boy do we have something to do! (MxM proves my point)

Oh and why not implement a fighting ring in to the game?? Every area got one or two open spots (boss spawns...) where a simple circle could be placed. if two pc's step inside the circle then neither can get out until one is beaten. Other players can watch from the outside and when one player is beaten they can then enter in turn. The ring only activates if there are no more then 2 pc's in the ring for 3 seconds so as to not bug out like crazy. A nice fun little thing to do that is so easy to put in here and there in pretty much all the zones. I bet the streamers would go mental for it :P as it would allow them to organize their own events.Maybe an Npc would be nearby and if you win a few times he would ask you to come over and recive a little something he has for you (random gear).

Ever played Castle Crashers? Know how after beating the boss you have to fight over who kisses the princess? IT'S AWEOSME! Put that in there somehow! Maybe a wave based (a little one mind you) challenge mode for 3 (cus I know how u like your 3's) that ends in a free for all brawl over the loot? After all this game is all about competition and improvement! THIS IS PERFECT!

Gauntlet! A wave based dungeony hard as balls challenge that literally pushes you to the brink of insanity with it's difficulty! A man mode challenge where if u ever fall there ain't no getting back up again, other then to drag your sorry ass back to the starting zone, as a looser! But if you make it then you get something really special. I mean REALLY special. DYE's!!! FOR YOUR ARMOR! OMG!!! YES!! GIVE IT!! TO ME!! NOW!!!!! <3

What if you added in some more character build's. We already have our skinny character why not allow us to build a buff one, or a fatty one, or maybe a tiny one. All with different stats and perhaps some limitation to the moves they can do? Ain't no fatty doing the slap kick for example... Again this could be a cool reward for doing something difficult or something really interesting, like how you unlocked the stagger style (drunken boxing). Cus that shit was fk'ing awesome! More puzzley things like that! <3

Okay I know you are getting a little sick of this giant rant... So just one more thing: Dojo's. being in a school is a big thing in this game but there aint no dojo for it to be in... That means no dojo to crash with me all sweep all day deck! Makes me sad. You could add in a NPC in there who replicates your own deck and learns how to deal with attacks by you... ok this sounds a little complicated and it is... How it would work is that you pick a deck to use then you give the npc another deck with moves that the opponent might use. then you "show" the npc how to react to those moves and sequences using your deck. when you are done the npc will try to mimic your reactions so if u dodged to the right then they did a kick then when the opponent does that kick the npc will dodge to the right. This way your skill is reflected on the npc and you can make a really cool unbeatable slap only npc to stand guard on your school.... damn that's a little too cool... I think I need to chill for a bit xD

tThat's it, I'm done.
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