The world without a mask and a risky endgame.

Imagine if instead of being told "Go back and lvl up some more noob!" when u finnish the campaign that we got a "Well done on passing your first trial. The next one awaits." And then the npc takes off your mask and you return back to the place we saw in the start.

This place could become the new hub world where things like currency (earned by fighting ofc) can exist. From here you are able to further the story, go to other worlds to live through those trials, and have shops that sell moves and cosmetics for the world inside the mask. IRL you actually don't fight, as there is no reviving here. And maybe the ultimate goal of your character is not to pvp but to finnish your trials and then face true life and death in an epic last dungeon like encounter where you lead the people away from this harsh land to be free... or maybe you just die and your character is deleted for all future. BUT should you live, you are rewarded with something unbelivable!

The next time you make a character you now have the option of a different body type!!!! :O :O OMG!!! EPICCC!!! ... ... ... no?` would be kinda cool tho ... it could have a different stat growth like a bulky muscled one that deal more dmg but has no dex... or a fat one that is slow but just won't fall down no matter how much you push it (ledges not included in fall resistance tho...) Maybe you can choose a tiny character build that can't be hit by high attacks and also can't use them.

Odd but fun stuff is the best reward for something really risky. Or... is that just me?


  • shops that sell moves? c'mon dont turn this game in a generic RPG. martial arts are learned through experience and practice, the learning system os this game is perfect as it is,it's rewarding and you feel the progression with every fight,
    The ability to farm money and the spend it to power up your character might be a gamebreaker. i'm agree with make the sotry longer and have more content, but not in exchange of losing the essence of the game, also this game is pvp focused, you can learn moves from other players fight or team with them and i think that's really valuable, in my oppinion trying to avoid the pvp encounters (at least in this game) is a bit pointless, after all you dont loose anything on the defeat, but when you win you learn and progress,that's something that not many games have achieved
    The permadeath in the new area might be a good idea, but no that extreme, instead of loosing your char you will revive in the first area and will have to kill all the "bosses" and "marked ones" again to be able to enter the second stage again,
    The body and character cration shouldn't be touched, it will mean all the combat system might need to be rebalanced and i think now is pretty good as it is, maybe add more hairstyles but nothing else
  • The mask is what lets you fold. Folding is (apparently) the ability that lets you learn attacks, use those attacks you've learned, use shards, revive players, find other folders and fight them, and respawn.

    This is a world that faced a tragedy, followed by a renaissance after learning about folding and shards.
    All they know is fighting, for good or for worse. The mask isn't some VR device, it's a shining holy mantle in a world of darkness.

    The rest of the story is a blur, as it isn't explained yet and not given enough context to infer what it might involve. Yet.
    I assume it'll be that there's a good side, and a bad side. The bad side want to rule as an empire, and the good side (Absolver's side), want to be free and let everyone who has proved themselves worthy to fold.
  • Oh my goodness, a permadeath mechanic would produce so much complaining. It may sound cool, but I guarantee you the backlash would be huge from people feeling like they were cheated.
  • edited September 2017
    i like the idea of a world outside of the main game or in a difficult dungeon, but perhaps instead of a perma-death maybe a extended death like perhaps a day before that character can respawn. I know that seems a bit harsh but I think there should still be a punishment for the death in the zone.

    now on the topic of a shop to "buy moves" maybe instead of paying a currency to learn a move perhaps you pay simply for a chance to learn the move if you fail to meet the requirements that you usually would have to when learning new moves (after you pay of course) you end up wasting that currency (the respawn time would be instant because you went to a arena for this), and instead of it being a random npc its a npc that a player created for his school.
  • This wouldn't work.
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