Changes to PvE? More Seamless Encounters?

I had a few thoughts regarding ways Absolver could be improved in the PvE aspect, because (let's face it) we all had to deal with the NPC ganks, the slow learning, and the intermittent PvP with various... Murders preformed upon us by a malicious player or two.

Which leaves me to wonder. How could this game improve on the small albeit beautiful world our Absolvers are in when it comes to making the world feel alive?

For me, random encounters, small events, and a combat challenge here and there help a game feel alive. Some ideas I've had include:

Shadow Prospects:

Even with as complicated as the combat can get, it would be fairly simple to take random players' characters and have them turned into NPCs by the game-- Evil versions of players that would be difficult to fight, and could be spontaneous mini-bosses when wandering between areas that would draw multiple players to fight or later team up. Hunting these down could increase a new rank like Combat Trials do. Possibly an "Absolution" ranking, such as a PvE equivalent?

Gauntlets and Arenas:

Some of my fondest memories of playing other games are overcoming insane odds to win with pure skill. This makes me think that PvE arenas may be a good idea, and could add some depth to the co-op experience, forging new bonds with players after going through a nightmare of combat against waves of foes. Maybe there could even be Shadow Prospects as bosses at certain waves. We have a colosseum-- why not use it for this?

Clothing and PvP Rewards:

Granted, a good way to encourage people to keep playing is to have them challenge others in the PvP arena, but the lack of PvE content is blatantly obvious to those of us with less than stellar internet connection, or that prefer to play offline while the network issues are being solved. The world is amazing, and deserves expansion, and one way to encourage roaming about could be various events to fight those lost to the Fold and get better clothing as a reward, rather than locking all the good stuff to PvP matches only. Making PvP the central focus of any game is a good way to lose the more laid back gamers in your fan base that truly want to immerse themselves in the world, not just have another fighting game. That being said, a balance of both is needed, because there's nothing more exciting than seeing the crazy decks others come up with.

Closing Questions:

So my question for all of you is what would you like to see added to this game to make it feel more alive? More impactful encounters? Something spontaneous? Something challenging? Any ideas you have, I'd want to talk about them. This game has a lot of potential, and there's no telling where we'll end up.

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