More Suggestions
I am hooked.
I finished the game and reached level 60 in the same day that I bought it. I really wanna see this goes. The potential of this game is just as endless as the teleport lag in PvP
It's like Dragon Ball, where everyone is Goku and... I'm just Krillin.
That aside, Good Morning/Day/Noon/Afternoon/Evening Devs! Here are a few suggestions to add to the mountain of suggestions for this game;
1. PAID DLC - Now now, I don't mean to say that turn it into a money grab pit, just like other games out there. But rather, paid DLC for customization, an in-game store of sorts. Split it between real currency and in-game currency. I mean people would pay for aesthetics, Absolver giving you that online avatar of sorts. Also as an example for an item in the in-game store; If I had known that the Labyrinth Prospect Mask and the Oratian Priest Tunic was a pre-order bonus, I would have happily gotten the pre-order version. I just came home from work one day and there it was, the game was out.
Also Mask Decals mabye? Like in Army of Two.
2. LOOT DROPS - Now I know that going online makes this easier, but before we get to all of that, the loot drop rate from bosses is almost non-existent? I mean I spent the better part of 3 hours offline running between the two Jinn Mesca spawn points, just for him to drop equipment four times. His mask, his boots and the item I wanted, his overtop tunic
Can the masked ones even drop items? This feels a bit like D3 RNG all over again.
3. COMBAT TRIALS - In a perfect world, or maybe in a different country, all our net speeds are the same with zero latency issues. Short of moving to a new country or forking over an unreasonable amount to pay for better net speed that costs way less in different countries, maybe offline combat trials can be a thing? Maybe add an additional game mode like a Kumite, to be able to access the different boss tiers and items that are tied to online combat trials. I would play the shit out of that. Like that Tower mode in Soul Caliber. That tested skills and controller durability.
4. LOCALIZED SERVERS - I'm no I.T. expert or whatever and I do not claim to know the difficulty in setting up servers for a game. But sometimes when another Absolver joins the area, it resets my ping or something that suddenly gives the hobo-fighters Goku-like speed. They.Can.Blink-Strike. I mean, like in D3 the drop-in drop-out, I would love to have a private game with a few friends and take on this narrative.
Journey to the West Style.
5. SCHOOLS - Like mentioned in other posts, an additional suggestion in the current school system. I saw somebody post about the Dojo idea. And that is sweet, let me tell you. But also how about giving students a set armor for the school, Where the Grandmaster can choose the overall look, two to three colors and then the Dojo Crest on the of the Overtop armor or whatever. Kind of like those old kung-fu movies or like in Dragon Nest, with the clan armors and flags.
Also maybe before you can establish a school, you need to win the Kumite or something to prove that there is something you can teach with pride.
6. PVP-type - Maybe there can be a game mode where powers are removed and the overall stats are aligned between the two fighters. It's all about the combat deck.
7. Respec option - We all want this.
8. ANIMATIONS - I'm not sure if you've played any of the old WWE/WWF games, but one version or maybe two gave you the option to create your own entrance, win animation and emote. Maybe these can be unlocked through combat trials or challenges?
9. THEME MUSIC - Also your own theme music to go with your entrance and win animation?
10. BO STAFF - This is more of a personal thing haha. Please add the Bo Staff as a weapon? I see it in the loading art. Who doesn't want to spam Kilik moves?
11. STORY - Lastly, I know that Absolver was an MMO and single player second, but the lore. Like really, there's so much here. It reminds me of the lore Destiny, that if it had more exposure in the game, it's another black hole.
That's a few of what I can think of right now. I don't know if the Dev's will ever see this but here's hoping.
It's another thing entirely if all the ideas of the community can make it into the game.
You fellows made a great game and I would gladly spend just to support this.
I finished the game and reached level 60 in the same day that I bought it. I really wanna see this goes. The potential of this game is just as endless as the teleport lag in PvP

That aside, Good Morning/Day/Noon/Afternoon/Evening Devs! Here are a few suggestions to add to the mountain of suggestions for this game;
1. PAID DLC - Now now, I don't mean to say that turn it into a money grab pit, just like other games out there. But rather, paid DLC for customization, an in-game store of sorts. Split it between real currency and in-game currency. I mean people would pay for aesthetics, Absolver giving you that online avatar of sorts. Also as an example for an item in the in-game store; If I had known that the Labyrinth Prospect Mask and the Oratian Priest Tunic was a pre-order bonus, I would have happily gotten the pre-order version. I just came home from work one day and there it was, the game was out.
Also Mask Decals mabye? Like in Army of Two.
2. LOOT DROPS - Now I know that going online makes this easier, but before we get to all of that, the loot drop rate from bosses is almost non-existent? I mean I spent the better part of 3 hours offline running between the two Jinn Mesca spawn points, just for him to drop equipment four times. His mask, his boots and the item I wanted, his overtop tunic

Can the masked ones even drop items? This feels a bit like D3 RNG all over again.
3. COMBAT TRIALS - In a perfect world, or maybe in a different country, all our net speeds are the same with zero latency issues. Short of moving to a new country or forking over an unreasonable amount to pay for better net speed that costs way less in different countries, maybe offline combat trials can be a thing? Maybe add an additional game mode like a Kumite, to be able to access the different boss tiers and items that are tied to online combat trials. I would play the shit out of that. Like that Tower mode in Soul Caliber. That tested skills and controller durability.
4. LOCALIZED SERVERS - I'm no I.T. expert or whatever and I do not claim to know the difficulty in setting up servers for a game. But sometimes when another Absolver joins the area, it resets my ping or something that suddenly gives the hobo-fighters Goku-like speed. They.Can.Blink-Strike. I mean, like in D3 the drop-in drop-out, I would love to have a private game with a few friends and take on this narrative.
Journey to the West Style.
5. SCHOOLS - Like mentioned in other posts, an additional suggestion in the current school system. I saw somebody post about the Dojo idea. And that is sweet, let me tell you. But also how about giving students a set armor for the school, Where the Grandmaster can choose the overall look, two to three colors and then the Dojo Crest on the of the Overtop armor or whatever. Kind of like those old kung-fu movies or like in Dragon Nest, with the clan armors and flags.
Also maybe before you can establish a school, you need to win the Kumite or something to prove that there is something you can teach with pride.
6. PVP-type - Maybe there can be a game mode where powers are removed and the overall stats are aligned between the two fighters. It's all about the combat deck.
7. Respec option - We all want this.
8. ANIMATIONS - I'm not sure if you've played any of the old WWE/WWF games, but one version or maybe two gave you the option to create your own entrance, win animation and emote. Maybe these can be unlocked through combat trials or challenges?
9. THEME MUSIC - Also your own theme music to go with your entrance and win animation?
10. BO STAFF - This is more of a personal thing haha. Please add the Bo Staff as a weapon? I see it in the loading art. Who doesn't want to spam Kilik moves?
11. STORY - Lastly, I know that Absolver was an MMO and single player second, but the lore. Like really, there's so much here. It reminds me of the lore Destiny, that if it had more exposure in the game, it's another black hole.
That's a few of what I can think of right now. I don't know if the Dev's will ever see this but here's hoping.
It's another thing entirely if all the ideas of the community can make it into the game.
You fellows made a great game and I would gladly spend just to support this.