Using Defensive Ability, Dodging, and Blocking Right After Feint

I think it'd be a net positive if we were able to do so.

There are many situations where ultra passive players are able to completely nullify a slower deck via jabs, or are able to force there opponent into a specific way of fighting. If you could instantly defend after feinting out of attacks, it'd allow for more counterplay to these tactics. In addition to giving players the ability to reverse momentum more often for a more dynamic fight. More often than not if one player has a specific playstyle (mainly ultra passive or hyper aggressive), they can lock the match into a specific pace and make the combat feel stagnant and bland for anyone else who doesn't like dealing with the same thing over and over.

This could be a small step to make this less of an issue if done right. Keep in mind some of the windows for when a feint can be executed may need to be adjusted for some attacks. To keep it from blowing out of proportion.
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