its marketed towards online pvp, not story, although I'd certainly like to see more story and what not. While it's their responsibility to make a quality game, it's also your responsibility to do some research before spending your money
Game has more content in 1 punch, than Dayz standalone did in the 3+ years in Alpha.... I'm so glad they skipped the early access model, albeit it feels early access somewhat.
It's kinda refreshing that the developers aren't allowing themselves to fall back on the "it's beta/early access" argument as an excuse to put off fixing problems or adding content.
The fighting in this game is very deep, customizable, and mostly a real hoot.
Since it is marketed as an online, melee, martial arts PvP. fighting game, I think it hits the mark there and excells at what it is supposed to do, for the most part.
Since it is marketed as an online, melee, martial arts PvP. fighting game, I think it hits the mark there and excells at what it is supposed to do, for the most part.