IDK why you have forsaken us! "no pun intended" lolz. My students need me, as well as i need all 190 of my students and my 12 disciples! I have been doing nothing but grinding absolver for the past 143 days! Every day not one missed! But do you even know what this is doing to my school?! All the new potential ive lost over this! I could possibly have around 300 - 500 students with the 370 Hours I've grinded on absolver..... all the post advertising on my school plus me an my disciples out recruiting..... no joke i have made a absolver fan page for my school recently and its gained 200+ people that want me to be their mentor that want to be in MY school! And most of then are STILL lost prospects because all the schools are down!!!!!! Plz fix stop ignoring us this is going on months now this is so ridiculous i can't even comprehend wtf is going on with you guy's..... I'll be back after my grandfather's funeral.... if they aren't fixed within this week or next? Im possibly considering uninstalling it
