Freeze when entering new area

I was running from the raslan coliseum to the oration quarter and the screen froze during the "you have entered the area" transition.

July 21 5:42pm Mountain Standard Time: I had just defeated the marked one in the coliseum (not kuretz, the one up in the tower), jumped from the ledge, died an respawned at the respawn tile in between the two areas. I decided to go back to the oratian quarter and during the "you have entered the area" transition my screen froze, and icon appeared at the top of the screen resembling the icon at the top of the screen during practice mode in meditation, and the game was unresponsive to inputs. This is the first time this has happened to me.


  • Hello Garmi,

    We are sorry to hear that you've met this issue with the frozen screen. All information was sent to the dev team. If you get/remind any additional details feel free to post them here. Thank you so much for your detailed and structured report, that really helps!
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