A new style idea

I was thinking that it might be cool if there was some sort of sumo style, that would be slower a bit more deliberate with a few more hyper armor moves in its move sets then the other styles. The moves would also drain more stamina and would scale up in damage with your weight. The defensive ability could be something like a kick back where you the other player gets pushed back out of range.


  • Hmmm, that's actually a pretty fun idea
  • I like this idea. Though if it's going to be based on sumo, the defensive move should be a slap rather than a kick.
  • Hey tykilledu913,

    Thanks for the idea of a new style! I'm passing along your suggestion to the team. While we can't promise that such style will be added to the game we would like to ask you to share more details on your vision about such style, as well as any other thoughts and ideas related to the game.
  • A better style would be a Japanese judo/Bushido style. Overt hits, throws, and insane rush sword tactics..
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