Raslan Collesieum glitch

edited July 2018 in Bug reports
when i walked into Raslan Collesieum, i went straight forward and did some attacks at the vases at the forward door. then i teleported inside the door, i attacked the vases inside of the room to get out of the room (only way out)

im on PS4 by the way


  • Hello spock,

    Thanks for letting us know about this issue.

    Please answer a couple of questions to help us investigate it:
    1) When did you experience this issue (date, approximate time, your timezone)? Is it something you’ve encountered before, or is this the first time?
    2) What were you doing before this issue occurred? Please provide any steps taken that led up to the issue.
    3) If you have any screenshots or video that also might help.

    Thank you so much for your patience and continued support.
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