whirlwind double punch
sclp's please take a look at the whirlwind double punch hit advantage on guard.
I noticed that players can hit moves with 10-11 start up before a fast elbow (9start up) after they used whirlwind double punch on my block.
I tryed it out with a friend and he could land every jab before the fast elbow wich means the whirlwind double punch hit advantage on guard is actually above 0
it could be caused by laggs ofc but we both have 30ms and less so its very unlikely.
I noticed that players can hit moves with 10-11 start up before a fast elbow (9start up) after they used whirlwind double punch on my block.
I tryed it out with a friend and he could land every jab before the fast elbow wich means the whirlwind double punch hit advantage on guard is actually above 0
it could be caused by laggs ofc but we both have 30ms and less so its very unlikely.
this attack is already under high scrutiny from the community it definetly does not help its cause when people find extra undocumented advantages xD
What i tryed: hitting fast elbow in between the opponents whirlwind to jab move
Thank you for stressing our attention on the possible issue with the whirlwind double punch. I'm passing along this info to the Team for in-depth analysis. Any additional info is always welcomed!