Splitscreen offline fight and automatic tournaments with labels

For the beginning i want to say hello to everyone :) .
Some people have always talking about lagging in pvp while p2p connection, is there any idea to make the splitscreen for offline content without connection? I would like to play just with friends in home - that will be more like some game for parties then, and the population of players will grows.
The second suggestion is from my old mmo - Guild Wars 1. There was in pvp mode something like automatic year by year tournaments starting and ending by a script and game itself. I think it will be the good idea from that make some archive with labels for tournaments winners and the hall of glory :) .

Both of them will be good idea i think, and put a lot of content itself to the game, for having fun with more players :) .


  • Hey Zdzich,

    Thanks for your suggestions. I can't promise that they will be implemented in the game, but we appreciate that you share your ideas with us! Keep this up!
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