New Area Ideas

Hi my name is Vatra and I currently play on ps4 (Ign: Jihadbomb373)

I have come up with some end game areas that would be aimed at players above level 40 to grind towards the next tier of prestige and beyond , npcs generally will be a league above most and be near marked one or equivalent.


This would be a ruined path kind of area surrounding the Lands of Adalia itself , it would include mass amounts of overgrowth and a few free standing ruined structures , more farm house and country looking then the Bird Callers outpost , the prospects faced in this area will be more forsaken type , with the npcs being High Damage Yielding , High Health and High Skill (Gold chaining and Ability)

The Endless Isles

This would be a massive Redwood Pine forest with mass amounts of undergrowth (Shrubbery surrounding the trees) and moss dangling from the trees to give it that overgrown and wild feel , the Npcs faced in this area would be more Windfall type , the prospects would be extremely agile , but lower health than your average level 60 (roughly 1.1K Vitality average per prospect) with high damage and skill(gold chaining and Ability) the prospects would travel in pairs , similar to Calgar and Kilnor , however instead of a defensive phase per prospect , high aggression , relentless behaviour.

The Valley of Stone

This would be set in the icy mountains set outside adal itself , with the cold stark black rocked valley peaked either side by mountains , the evidence of a battle fought before and the remnants of fallen soldiers and mass loss the cold stark valley would be a haunting place. The Prospects you will find will be Kahlt type , being soldierish looking and lone standing in set locations , the Npcs would almost guard the site of the battle until they die , the Npcs would be slow , but have high health,damage and skill(Gold chaining and Ability) and would be counter attack heavy aimed at defence.

Game Integration

These areas would need to be placed at designated areas that have gates that lead to them , however to stop abuse of these "xp" farms would be to add a timer , once you are in and you die , dependant on how long you spend in the zone itself the cooldown could be high if you are in the zone for a long time or short if you die from falling your butt off a cliff. This would essentially be a raid feature , with you attacking a specific type of prospect , Forsaken ,Windfall or Kahlt.

Looting would be easy , the rate for drops would be increased , however if you want to keep your items you must make it back to the gate you came in , thus securing the items you have collected , if you die you dont get them simple.

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