New Area Ideas

Hi my name is Vatra and I currently play on ps4 (ign : Jihadbomb373)


I had an idea today about an extra area surrounding the tower of Adal the wastelands , this would nature only with some free standing rustic structures with a worn down look to them , not quite Bird Callers outpost , more a combination between ruined farm houses placed around the path . The wastelands could be split off varying areas , like a long path that stretches from the top of Bird Callers outpost , or a small hidden path from the Forgotten temple and or a secret path that leads to a pathway via the harbour area.
This area would be home to more forsaken type prospects ,
The wastelands idea really is an endgame thing , the Prospects that you will encounter are equivalent to facing a marked one , very hard npcs animalistic decks with high damage , skill (gold chaining) and health , the wastelands area would be for experienced players only(as young players 1-40lvl would be absolutely destroyed ) , this would take away from the constant grind of Risryn and the marked ones to progress high in the Levels and remove any monotonous grinding , or at least spice it up a lot more .

The Endless Isles

The Endless isles , a Pine tree of 'endless' scale , redwood pines or something of similar size grand scale look , with overgrown small shrubbery everywhere , the Endless isles again being an end game grinding zone for those aesthetic looking prestige levels wouldn't have npcs like the waste's , more fast agile , very agile prospects with high skill but 5% less health then your average level 60 player , the Endless isle prospects would be quick and agile with high skill (gold chaining) that could swoop in and demolish an unprepared player . I'd think the Isles to be an almost link between Calgor and Kilnor with the prospects always coming in twos , but will both be highly aggressive
This area would be home to more Windfall type Prospects

The Mountains

The mountains in Absolver are actually quite nice to look at , i'd love to see a playable area located in the mountains , Ice covered stone structures with dead trees and a distinct old war zone look , the aim of the mountain area yet again would be an end game grinding zone , the prospects located in the mountains would be high damage ,high health and high skill (gold chaining) , the disciplined prospects would be almost guardians to the mountains.
This area would be home to more Kahlt type Prospects
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