Shabu Guard Commander and Uring Priest Gear

These outfits need to be available for all platforms, its no fair that PS4 gets access to both sets but PC only gets one. I will not support these kinds of biased marketing decisions.


  • Errr i was sure PS4 ppl couldnt get priest set... it would be pretty sad if it wasnt so :/
  • Kamael said:

    Errr i was sure PS4 ppl couldnt get priest set... it would be pretty sad if it wasnt so :/

    PS4 gets both Priest and Shabu Commander sets, PC only gets one. I assume Sony paid for an exclusive outfit to tempt people to buy it on their platform, which it might be worth it with the amount of hackers running around on PC
  • Its only an alternative color for already existing gear. so it doesnt change the meta much, only early game before you find the regular version.
  • It doesn't matter much if not at all that PS4 get all the gears. I'm still wearing prospect outfit :\
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