A Few Suggestion

edited August 2017 in Suggestions?
Here are a few suggestions I have after playing a bit:

  1. - Allow players to reset their attribute points at an Altar.
  2. - Allow players to choose Online or Offline at an Altar.
  3. - Bo Staff weapon (someone else suggested this as well)
  4. - More efficient PvP matchmaking. Maybe adding a "next opponent" button?

Anyone else have any suggestions to add?


  • Grappling and throws. Have them use up half your stamina bar when executed, victim takes little dmg. They are used as a tool to create space and to asses yourself.
  • That would be nice. (Adding onto your suggestions)Maybe some side missions or missions for the school that would reward you with certain items. Be able to teleport from alter to alter (the ones you've been to). I think more should be done for the school aspect of the game. Like a headquarters/ dojo for each created school, where you can spar, get missions or hang out with other students.
  • Sedna said:

    That would be nice. (Adding onto your suggestions)Maybe some side missions or missions for the school that would reward you with certain items. Be able to teleport from alter to alter (the ones you've been to). I think more should be done for the school aspect of the game. Like a headquarters/ dojo for each created school, where you can spar, get missions or hang out with other students.

    I love the ideas behind more School content. Maybe even add the option for the people who found the school to give out tasks with benefits to those who complete them: "Task for you to learn X new moves." Then completing the task could earn some points with the School, then add something for those points to be useful for haha.
  • Yupp that would make the bond of student and master a lot cooler.
  • Hey there,

    Thank you for the feedback! We appreciate it and I'll make sure to share your ideas with the rest of the team.

  • edited August 2017
    Although it isn't likely you'll fully master every move before you'd be doing missions, it does limit endgame more when you have learned all the moves you can. Missions in that case should be something like defeat a couple bosses or win 3 games of 1v1 pvp.

    I however think missions for pvp could get interesting. You could require winning a 1v1 game wearing heavy armor pieces or super light pieces. You could also request the absolver to fight and defeat certain types of other absolvers.

    I also do think this game should step away a little from the dark souls feel and add some endgame repeatability outside just mastering your skillset. Itemization is huge for multiplayer games. Rewards for missions and gearing in general should be a little deeper with perhaps rarity and other small perks on high end gear besides just defensive stats.

    atm the item stats and even lore attachments to the items feel very dark souls. It's not horrible, but the reason people get addicted to games like WoW is because they always need to progress their character and item stats. Just divide gear into 4 rarities and throw a few cool perks that randomly roll on some higher pieces. Then there will be those few people who need x item at x rarity with x roll on it. You've instantly added 1 extra endgame feature.

    If you feel like this game needs to be PURELY combat mastery then don't do this.
  • I think gears have its effect but not that much. The more heavy gear you put on, the slower the fight will be. That's pretty much it. I tried putting on full gear run versus naked run. The difference is surprisingly just a little.
    What really matter is yourself and how you play.
    However, new gears new cosmetic is always welcomed :)
  • How about... a dancing style. The right stick would free your movement while locked-on, much like drunken fist except more attune with running. It would gradually deplete the stamina bar, and the entire style would keep low stances as the absolver fights. ( Chinese something ) 1 weird move would be headstanding kick, or a facing-the-ground, away from your opponent just to do a crazy around the world heel sweep. *Gasp* almost like that plastic ball, jump rope toy with the ankle strap.
  • edited September 2017
    Something along the Lines of a Quarterstaff or rope dart as seen here would be nice in future
    (Rope dart)

    but above all else i think a tournament mode would be the best. Foundation of the Game seems to be solid enough
  • @Kuta_of_kismet so like capoeira?

    I was thinking half capoeira and half Chinese Kenpo.

  • Everyone go watch The Matrix: Reloaded. Morpheus knows the new style.
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