The wind shall be your guide. Windfall school(ps4)

Hi I'm BadEyedBill. I just finished mastering the styles and learning all the moves.
so I have decided to open my new and improved windfall school.
The fists and sword decks are pure windfall. While the gloves deck is a mix.
The school also has access to the moon pike sword a s-rank windfall sword.
All are welcome and if you need anything I am willing to help.


  • Thank you for the offer Bill. Seems like you put a lot of time and energy into your school. Maybe we will meet on the battlefield. Until then, take care.
  • I can't find a search option. How can I join your school?
  • I can't find a search option. How can I join your school?

    Schools can only be joined by knowing someone in the School. This means you have to either be friends with someone in the School, or must have them on your Recent Encounters list.
  • If you are interested in joining send me a friend request. it is possible to join though the friends list under the social tab at the alters. My username on psn is BadEyedBill.
  • Do you happen to have a school ID for this
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