Couple suggestions that would really help the game.
1. let me scrap or Dye the silly face mask its driving my ocd nuts xD
2. Put some sort of "God Hand" Easter egg I know you guys know of it at sloclap and considering its pioneer for custom combo games it would really be a cool move from you guys to honor them in any way you feel.
Even gene's coat would be sweet

and it fits the absolver style
3. Include belts and elbow pads sections to the essence shop. Not enough elbow pads.
4. Again please make it so we see our stamina when sprinting ( and its recovery when we stop ) otherwise we get into a fight not knowing our stamina levels until we lock on.
5. This is really a must and will Boost 3v3 interest, make it so people can roam the world while in queue.
6. Map choice for the loser if a rematch occurs in 1v1, Map vote for 3v3.
7. For schools We really need a written school intro and the ability to know which students are online and which ones are the disciples.
Feels dumb to ask each one "hey are you the disciple?"
8. Vertical avoids moves (strafes) need to have a eye kept on them they are extremely viable openers and alternatives which makes them heavily used. It discourages the use of many if not all vertical attacks. Its no secret that people prefer and will agree that horizontal moves are objectively better and strafes are the reason why. They are the biggest get out of jail free card in the game right now and it sucks.
I will say since 1.16 I do see more deck diversity and its a nice thing, though that may be because the game was on sale and also because old meta oblivious players came back to see the update but regardless its a nice step in the right direction
9. Being safe while looking at fashion, its getting old to be half naked looking at dye colors trying to make a set of gear and some random person comes and punches the heck out of you while your in the menu.
10. You can now preview gear from the enssence shop but for pants and shoes it does not help as your character is kneeling at the altar, itd be nice if he could stand up so we can see properly.
11. Increased pve drop rate ( maybe not for masks but for dirty gear ) some times with no luck you get nothing for hours.
12. Review attacks with the fastest startup or make more of them as there are so few that everyone uses the same ones.
I've had many students complain that what ever combo they try to hold with slower moves, the opponent just spams the fastest startups on loops even while being hit, until it inevitably cuts into their combo chain or interrupts any attempts at counterattacking.
This makes them feel constantly pressured to use their defensive ability while the opponent only needs to worry about stamina.
Its not that much of a problem at higher levels of understanding the game but for new players it may get discouraging.
13. Smooth jagged map edges and object edges.. Make everything smooth and rounded.
I can't tell you how many times a dodge or movement was denied to me because my character was apparently caught by the invisible wall corner of an object..
This turns corners and small areas of maps into prisons.
14. Tone down 3v3 damage its a nice idea to make matches go faster but you over did it in my and many other peoples opinion.
15. It would be cool if we could also assign a weapon to each of the 3 presets, I personally switch my weapon each time I switch preset so it matches with it, I know it may sound lazy wish it would swap with the preset as I some times forget
16. Retouch shockwave... These days you cast it and you have to spam it because otherwise you hear the WOOSH sound but it gets instantly interrupted if the person is pressuring you.
So no choice but to spam it and you hear the WOOSH sound like 6 times in a row until it actually activates..
That's that for my suggestions. Great update by the way keep up the good work

2. Put some sort of "God Hand" Easter egg I know you guys know of it at sloclap and considering its pioneer for custom combo games it would really be a cool move from you guys to honor them in any way you feel.
Even gene's coat would be sweet

and it fits the absolver style
3. Include belts and elbow pads sections to the essence shop. Not enough elbow pads.
4. Again please make it so we see our stamina when sprinting ( and its recovery when we stop ) otherwise we get into a fight not knowing our stamina levels until we lock on.
5. This is really a must and will Boost 3v3 interest, make it so people can roam the world while in queue.
6. Map choice for the loser if a rematch occurs in 1v1, Map vote for 3v3.
7. For schools We really need a written school intro and the ability to know which students are online and which ones are the disciples.
Feels dumb to ask each one "hey are you the disciple?"
8. Vertical avoids moves (strafes) need to have a eye kept on them they are extremely viable openers and alternatives which makes them heavily used. It discourages the use of many if not all vertical attacks. Its no secret that people prefer and will agree that horizontal moves are objectively better and strafes are the reason why. They are the biggest get out of jail free card in the game right now and it sucks.
I will say since 1.16 I do see more deck diversity and its a nice thing, though that may be because the game was on sale and also because old meta oblivious players came back to see the update but regardless its a nice step in the right direction
9. Being safe while looking at fashion, its getting old to be half naked looking at dye colors trying to make a set of gear and some random person comes and punches the heck out of you while your in the menu.
10. You can now preview gear from the enssence shop but for pants and shoes it does not help as your character is kneeling at the altar, itd be nice if he could stand up so we can see properly.
11. Increased pve drop rate ( maybe not for masks but for dirty gear ) some times with no luck you get nothing for hours.
12. Review attacks with the fastest startup or make more of them as there are so few that everyone uses the same ones.
I've had many students complain that what ever combo they try to hold with slower moves, the opponent just spams the fastest startups on loops even while being hit, until it inevitably cuts into their combo chain or interrupts any attempts at counterattacking.
This makes them feel constantly pressured to use their defensive ability while the opponent only needs to worry about stamina.
Its not that much of a problem at higher levels of understanding the game but for new players it may get discouraging.
13. Smooth jagged map edges and object edges.. Make everything smooth and rounded.
I can't tell you how many times a dodge or movement was denied to me because my character was apparently caught by the invisible wall corner of an object..
This turns corners and small areas of maps into prisons.
14. Tone down 3v3 damage its a nice idea to make matches go faster but you over did it in my and many other peoples opinion.
15. It would be cool if we could also assign a weapon to each of the 3 presets, I personally switch my weapon each time I switch preset so it matches with it, I know it may sound lazy wish it would swap with the preset as I some times forget
16. Retouch shockwave... These days you cast it and you have to spam it because otherwise you hear the WOOSH sound but it gets instantly interrupted if the person is pressuring you.
So no choice but to spam it and you hear the WOOSH sound like 6 times in a row until it actually activates..
That's that for my suggestions. Great update by the way keep up the good work

Id although like to add something to waiting for a 3vs3:
-give the players the choice to go in on a 3vs3 on call
-once they are in they are shown how many players are there too but can do whatever they want although do 1vs1
-when 6 people are gathered they are automatically transfered to the gamelobby after they finished their 1vs1
-when all combat trial players are in the lobby the remaining players from the pve world join instantly
this way you can do 1vs1 but have alot more 3vs3's in between
Thanks so much for your suggestions, there are a ton of great quality of life and balance improvements here! Written school intros and "God Hand" Easter eggs sound like a lot of fun, and we can definitely understand the desire to be able to roam while queued for combat trials.
We are, unfortunately, unable to guarantee any of these ideas will be used, but we truly appreciate that you took the time to share them with us. Please don't hesitate to share any other feedback or suggestions you may have in the future.
So, Yoroshiku...! Anyways, as a broke boy who doesn't have PS Plus+, I can't play online, so I agree with the PVE add-ons definitely. The last few updates already answered a bunch of my prayers, so I don't have much problems with the game overall, other than loot droppings. Anywho, scouring around by oneself can be a tad boring (/cripplingly lonely lmao), so I wouldn't mind being able to come across some Prospects or even fellow Absolvers (bots) that'll actually like to group up and fight alongside me rather than everyone I run into must catch these hands (except for you, Talem lol). Maybe even have a little base or something, not a priority, but still cool in it's own right. All in all, the potential of this game is HUUUUUGE, so I do hope to see some good stuff coming for players that are more into the PVE life.
12. Review attacks with the fastest startup or make more of them as there are so few that everyone uses the same ones.
I've had many students complain that what ever combo they try to hold with slower moves, the opponent just spams the fastest startups on loops even while being hit, until it inevitably cuts into their combo chain or interrupts any attempts at counterattacking.
This makes them feel constantly pressured to use their defensive ability while the opponent only needs to worry about stamina.
Its not that much of a problem at higher levels of understanding the game but for new players it may get discouraging.
Yeah, the cheesing combo spam made me actually quit the game for two months. I'm back now though and it seems to be better after 1.16 so yeah, great job
And if the opponent is getting out of a combo through a quick interrupt, then that means the timing of each attack is too telegraphed.
i promiss you that if i back you into a corner point blank range and cycle spam the fastest moves u wont be able to do anything but defencive ability or strafe since strafes are op. Especially if your a newer player. : P
(unless you have the same fast attacks on loop)