Names of stances?

edited March 2018 in General Gameplay
Are there martial arts names for the directional stance that you're in, in relation to your target?

Like, instead of saying, "top right stance", I could say "________"


  • Well in karate you have "migi" right and "hidari" left stance but no real stance in karate is remaining with the back to your enimie on purpose
  • going back to what methamos said about the karate stances, "we" (i practise karate) don't really differ between types of sparring stances, left foot forward or right foot forward, there isn't a "name" for it. we just have "sparring stance" idk what the name of it is, i'm a bad student. the sparring stance is basically the forsaken stance, (knees slightly bent and arms up for guard) except we never present our backs to our opponents because its really hard to reliably defend.
  • Depends on wich karate type you do ofc. . Hidari and migi really just literally mean left and right but in absolver you although change no more than your feet position
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