Let's talk essence
What do you think about Essence and the extense if it's powers? I'm sure you know of Folding and what powers it can grant to the ones who uses it with respect. We know of the Presence and how it uses Essence to literally "be". But what makes essence to such a powerful mineral? It has to have more properties than just granting users Folding and such, in the Tower of Adal we see it underneath the big bridges and all over the place, so does it grant objects certain magical powers? What do you think?
But what do I know?
Everything seems to be made up of essence when you fall in battle you dematerilze into essence then dissipate then you rematerilze as essence back into your character
When you ”die” the spirit uses it’s connection to your mask and Folding to get you back into the world.
Folding is when you bend space and time to for example teleport yourself to somewhere (after you get defeated). It can also be used to pull items trough the Fold (wich is another dimension, check the Loot Box Coins for more info about it) and allows it user to also pull weapons in and out of reality ( would also explain how you dematerialize your sword when you pull it back). Folding also allows the user to use telekinetic powers, therefore we have Abilities.
Altough that’s my theory, it explains alot and makes sense.
Yes Dante that would make sense. Only the strongest individuals would be able to withstand this corruption.
We just know that we will be called back by the Guides someday to do...well they never say, we just need to be prepared.
About the being...well that's a hard one. There's no real facts about it wich means that theories are all we've got. I think the being is trapped at Towerpoint, why I believe this I don't know but why wouldn't it just float off? I doesn't have to help the Guides at all with anything, it's not gaining anything from it (from what it seems like).
I don't know alot, so I can't answer that last bit. We'll just have to wait and see...
We don't know, but I do not think it's a new god. I also don't think the Guides are mistaking this spirit for being Anlek, they're wiser than that (Folding and such). It's a hard nut to crack, so to say.
As for why anlek would Cause the fall simeon says it himself the people of Adal became pagans he never specified whether they found new gods for they began to just live lavish lifestyles that led to them abandoning the law of anlek but when you read disricptions of other items you do see there are other gods that come to the adal empire from other places
But, now that I wrote that, I just thought of another theory, what if Anlek was human? A human that studied the arts of folding and incantations, and was so powerful that he was capable of turning himself into pure essence? We don't really know the limits of essence so we don't know if it is possible or anything, but we do know that it can resurrect someone after death, but what if it could prevent someone from ever achieving death?
Any other thoughts?
It seems to me that it is related to the discovery of the essence.