There is no blood in this game and I'd like my kids to enjoy a fun fighting game that does not mean to kill. There are a number of examples that favor sparing and friendly competition (such as helping anyone up you defeat after fighting). It doesn't look like you actually kill anyone in this game so please check the verbiage. Killing is a finite thing i honestly don't think should be used in games at all...
There is nothing wrong about the word "kill". This game's main feature is about violence which is represented in it's rating. And do you really think that hitting someone in the head repeatedly or stabbing them with a sword does not lead to the victims death?
Kids can go play E rated games. Give me a break...
Possible spoilers:
When a character dies and revives, they fold and unfold. I'm not too clear on this exactly how this works, but it is stated explicitly that it's linked to death. This means without death, your characters wouldn't be able to revive one another, and they'd have to rewrite a huge amount of the games lore, which is rather unfair to ask of such a small dev team, don't you think?
Aside from that, I also think it's unfair to the vast majority of players who are not asking for kid friendly changes, as it may not be what they want.
I just wanted to know if the world "Kill" was a chosen on purpose or arbitrary. But eh, after digging the question it is true that it appears to be lore related.
The absolvers can't die, they revive, the only real "Kill" i've seen so far is when Rysrin (maybe i killed her name) removes the mask of the absolver and throws him off the balcony, i think the masks give the absolvers and prospects the ability to revive in order to complete their trainings.
And, yes, the rating of the game is enough to know this is not a game for kids (personally i dont mind my kids play them, blaming the videogames for the kids violence is just a bad excuse for bad parenting kids who are raised with good values and discipline can understand the difference between a game and reality and will understand the implications and consequences of carrying the fantasy to the real world) and Raise a fallen enemy is the spirit of the Martial Arts a martial artist will kick your ass, but wont hate you, but at the end a real martial arts combat is about two people trying to kill each other, the martial arts are not a sport... so if you're worried about the violence that implies better consider let your kids play other games, or even better play this with them and explain them about the game violence and let them understand that concept, kids are not stupid (we often overprotect them thinking "they wouldn't understand" but that's a misconception)